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♪♫♩♪♫♩HB• HEART BREAK♪♫♩♪♫♩

A group of 5 where hanging out at a coffee shop, figuring out if they should add a female to their band as a vocal.

"Hey! How about Hayoon? She's so good at singing" Beomgyu said grinning at the thought of his girlfriend.

"I don't know, won't she get slut shamed for being in a all guy band?" Another guy with pretty pink said.

"Mabey let's not add a female..?" The tallest of them said. "Wanna go to the arcade after this?" A guy with a mole under his eye said.

"We aren't highschool kids anymore asshole" Beomgyu replied rolling his eyes. "Whatever Beomgyu, you can stay home and be boring" the mole guy replied

"Hey-" Beomgyu was cutoff when he got a notification from his girlfriend, And suddenly his eyes lit up "sorry I gotta go Hayoon wants to meet" Beomgyu got up grabbing his things and stuffing them in his tote bag. "Beomgyu is so inlove" the second tallest sighed.

"See you later guys!" Beomgyu smiled at his friends sending them finger hearts and flying kisses. And ran his way to his and Hayoon's favorite date spot, the park.


Beomgyu looked around the park and then noticed his girlfriend, looking beautiful as ever.

"Hayoonie!" Beomgyu ran over to her smiling ear to ear. "Oh Hello Beomgyu.."
She said with a half smile, making Beomgyu blush and look at the girl Infront of him with heart eyes and a bright smile. He was really inlove with her and he thinks nothing can change it.

"Beomgyu...." The female said looking at the guy, beomgyus expression changed when he heard how her voice was lifeless.

"Baby are you ok? Do you wanna go buy ice cream, your favor-"

"Beomgyu, let's break up" the girl interrupted beomgyu looking into his eyes with a cold expression And the taller was in shock.

"What? We've been together for 4 years and you're breaking up with me?" The boy said who's clearly about to burst into tears.

"I don't love you.I never really did,I'm sorry"
She said with a guilty look.

"Are you fucking serious?" Beomgyu responded with a shaky voice holding back tears but ended up sobbing.

"Shin Hayoon, did you really think that my feelings is a stupid game? You never even considered my feelings before?" He sobbed while looking at her in the eye. "Fuck you." And then after that, he walked off.

As he walked away from her, he wiped his tears away and plugged in his earphones and played music to calm him down. But all he could think about was Hayoon 'I Don't love you' 'lets breakup ' his mind drifted off to the girl of his dreams who had just broken his heart into millions of pieces.

Suddenly, he fell to the ground "shit" still not looking up until he heard the familiar voice.meeting a female who looked his age with a fancy lavender dress and a fancy hairstyle but with nerd glasses on but then beomgyu realized it wasn't just any girl.

"Lee Minhee?" Beomgyu shockingly said at the sight of one of the nerdiest girls in the art department wearing a fancy outfit. "Oh Crap, Choi Beomgyu? I'm so sorry!" She bowed down a 90° angle before running away. "Weird..." Beomgyu though but shrugged it off and walked his way home.  He thought about how weirdly pretty Lee Minhee looked which kept his mind occupied from the heart break he just had a while back.


Beomgyu unlocked the door of his shared dorm with taehyun and saw all of his friends on the couch.

"Hey Beomgyu! What did Hayoon want?" Soobin turned to him and asked the moment he noticed beomgyu enter and all Beomgyu did was start crying agian. Yeonjun paused the movie right away.

"Beomgyu you okay?" Taehyun asked his friend with a concerned look.

"Hayoon B-broke up w-with me" he sobbed trying his best to calm himself down. Suddenly, the 4 guys run over to beomgyu and hug him, give him comforting words and feed him the leftover chicken and pizza that they had.

When Beomgyu calmed down they all faced him. "Beom, why don't we go to one of those fancy bars or whatever the fuck they're called." Yeonjun said, trying to help him find someone to get over Hayoon. "Why? They're boring I don't wanna see rich people rub the're money in my face" Beomgyu siffled "well, you can find a rich sugar mama..." Yeonjun said looking everywhere but anyone's eyes.

"Fine..I'll go" Beomgyu rolled his eyes and got up the couch to change. "We are going back to our dorm to change be right back!" Hueningkai said before dragging soobin out. And Yeonjun excitedly ran to his dorm to find the perfect fit.

"YEONJUN HURRY UP!" the 4 boys yelled waiting for the oldest guy who was taking a lifetime to finish getting ready.

"Alright, alright I'm done" he groaned leaving the room and making his way to the door. "By the way Beom, don't drink cause you're driving us back." Yeonjun said giving Beomgyu a toothy grin And all Beomgyu could do was scoff and agree.

"Wait but it's Beomgyu who got dumped, he should be getting shit-faced instead of driving" Taehyun, the pink haired boy defended "Fine then you drive Taehyun" Yeonjun rolled his eyes as he walked over to the car.

The Five made it to the bar and it was full of rich old people. All Beomgyu did was stare in disbelief "Yeonjun, how the hell am I gonna find a sugar mommy?" Beomgyu scoffed.

"I don't know find a way. I'm gonna go get a drink with Soobin" he waved and grabbed Soobin's wrist. Beomgyu sighed and made his way to the bar getting himself a drink and walked off.

Walking over to the center of the place, looking for seating at the tables only seeing one available chair next to a woman.

"Ma'am is this chair taken?" He walked closer catching the woman's attention.

"Oh! It's not go ahead and sit darling!"

She smiled big showing her perfect straight teeth. Beomgyu slightly bowed and smiled back before sitting down.

"What's gonna happen?" Beomgyu asked looking at the people set up stuff on the stage. "My daughter is gonna perform tonight!" The older woman clapped in excitement.

"Is that so? You must be very excited to see her perform then!" Beomgyu smiled and the lady. "Oh I really am! Even tho I see here perform here every other Saturday and Wednesday, I get excited every time!" She looked at the younger male before taking a sip of her drink.

"That's really nic-" Before he could finish his sentence he heard the melody of a perfectly tuned guitar. He looked up to see the person playing and saw a female with a messy yet beautiful braid crown and a Familiar Lavender Off shoulder leg slit dress.

He couldn't see her face because she was facing down, making sure her fingers where put in the right position. Strumming the strings, she made a beautiful melody.

Finally, the girl looked up and and the mic in the perfect position for her to sing.

Beomgyus eyes widen as he finally noticed who the Girl on the stage is.

"Lee Minhee...?"

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