={Chapter Three}=

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As Levi watched the brunet walk off with Armin, Levi couldn't help but remember those perfect eyes; they were implanted in his brain. They were a bright teal colour, the colour of a tropical ocean on a summers day. He was intrigued by them and felt like he could stare at them for an eternity. But he had to say something, or Erwin would say something. He had just went with his normal attitude, which had unfortunately happened to be rude and slightly mean. "Shit," Levi thought to himself,"I blew it didn't I, he isn't gonna like me at all is he?"

Levi was pulled from his thoughts by Erwin congratulating him on intimidating Eren. "He pretty much ran away from you! Good job man!" Erwin punched Levi's shoulder. It was a friendly thing they did. As the next few lessons went by, Levi couldn't stop wondering about what Eren thought about him. Did he hate him? Was he scared of him?

As lunch rolled around, Eren wandered over to their regular lunch table; it was under a large willow tree. He slotted himself into a seat next to Mikasa who smiled at him when he sat down. She was wearing her scarf- as always. Armin sat across from him and had his nose in a book. He was taking small bites from a sandwich he had pulled from his bag. Armin had usually prepared a lunch himself. Sasha was sitting next to him, quizzing him why he was reading instead of eating. During this she was picking chips from her plate and popping them in her mouth. Jean wasn't here today. "Phew, it means I can actually talk without being made fun of every time I speak," Eren thought. He didn't particularly like Horseface.

"So," Sasha began as she turned to face Eren,"Armin told us about your little run in with Levi." Dammit, Eren thought. "Yeah... What about it?"
"He also mentioned that you sat staring at him for a while," Mikasa added. Eren started turning red again. "I-I was stunned a-and didn't know what to do!" Eren blurted out.
"That's totally believable!" Sasha said with a slight tone of sarcasm.
"Guys, stop teasing him." Armin had put down his book and was now engaged in the conversation. "Maybe he doesn't want to tell us why he was staring at Levi for so long, don't force him." Mikasa smiled.
"So what you saying is that we can't force him to admit he has a crush on Levi-Chan even though it's pretty obvious?" Eren was definitely glad that Jean wasn't here. "I DONT have a crush on Levi!" Eren exclaimed. A ripple of laughter went round the table.

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