Twisting and turning

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Notes: My medical knowledge is very limited, and I am not a native English speaker, nor do I speak any Italian, so this is me jumping in the deep end of the pool.
This was prompted to me a few months ago and I couldn't let the idea go, so it's been brewing for a bit and I finally got around to writing it down.

Carina POV

As the sun starts to stream through the curtains of our bedroom, I turn to reach for my wife, not quite ready to rise yet. I do love my sleep, and spending hours in bed next to her, feeling her even soft breaths as she sleeps, still gives me butterflies.

This morning however, I can tell she is already awake, facing away from me, her usually even breaths sounding a lot more forced and controlled. "Bambina, you okay?", my voice coming out raspy from sleep. She groans slightly as I place my hand gently around her waist, making me sit upright in bed, the movement making her hiss slightly, tensing up. She is definitely not okay. "Maya, what's going on?" I ask, now an ounce of worry lacing my words, as I carefully get up and walk around the bed to her side, making sure to be gentle when the movement of the bed seems to be causing her pain. I bend down, finally getting a look at her beautiful features that are now furrowed in discomfort, and a thin layer of sweat covering her paled brow. She opens her eyes, brimmed with water. "" she tries to speak, voice sounding thick with a choked back sob. I reach up and gently push a strand of her hair out of her face, giving her the time she needs while I'm internally running a list of possible causes for her discomfort though my head. "Hurts" she breaths out, as a stray tear runs down her cheek, and I'm quick to stroke it away. This was not good.

Maya doesn't get sick. And when she does it's usually just a cold, or that one time she caught the flu from Vic, which lead to a very rough week at home. Maya isn't one to relax and let the illness take it course, despite years of therapy, she still gets restless when she's sick, so seeing her like this was truly unsettling. She did an Olympic race on a sprained ankle. So if she says something is hurting her it must be excruciating. Somethings was wrong.

Maya POV

The last few days I have been feeling a bit off, having some occasional cramping. I was probably due for my period soon, so I didn't pay too much attention to it, it really wasn't that bad. But this morning that all changed when I was woken up by a violent wave of nausea, getting out of bed, trying not to wake my sleeping wife, I struggled to get up, feeling the cramping and aching from the past week had intensified significantly spreading all through my lower stomach. I manage to make it to the bathroom as my stomach turned, breaking me into a cold sweat as I gagged. After having thrown up nothing my bile, not having had an appetite the night before. I shakily make it up off the floor and rinse my mouth to get rid of the taste of bile, before slowly and painfully making my way back into bed.

I try to control my breathing. I feel my head spinning even as I'm laying down. After what feels like an eternity I feel the arm of my beautiful wife wrap around me, and I can't help but groan as the pain increases from the light pressure of her tanned hand against my front. "Bambina, you okay?", hearing her rough morning voice as she removed her hand noting my discomfort. I don't know what to answer, I don't want to worry her. It's obvious I'm not answering her fast enough when I have to hold back a sob as she moves, causing my body to tense up from the pain. Next thing I know she's in front of me, and I know that there is no way to hide the pain I am in anymore.

Carina POV

"Maya, what hurts?" I ask, feeling myself slip into doctor mode. This was so unlike the stubborn blonde. She vaguely motions to her stomach, still breathing in a very controlled fashion, almost like she will stop breathing if she doesn't force it. I can see the pain in her eyes when she looks at me. I run my hand across her sweaty forehead gently, looking into her eyes. "Hey, it's okay. I've got you. Try to relax for me." I say softly, feeling her relax ever so slightly into my touch. She nods gently. "How long has this been going on, bella?" I question as I carefully move the blanket off her, wanting to get a proper look, causing her to shiver a bit as the cooler air in the room comes in contact with the thin layer of sweat covering her body. "Carina...I....something is wrong" she moans out. I look her over carefully, her hands tightly wrapped around her torso. "I...I had some cramping earlier this week and now it got worse" she says between breaths. I carefully unwrap her arms to assess her, causing a few tears to spill from her ocean blue eyes.

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