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Evening 4:00PM,

In the mirror i saw a gorgeous woman with a minimal makeup and her long straight hair are adored with fresh jasmine flower.... who stood near the table in a neatly draped silk saree with an antique jewelry set.... Gorgeous Huh?  Her questioning look is dripping with sarcasm.... Navy blue is absolutely her colour.... that saree looks great on her complexion.... the contrast silver blouse with aari work has done its magic which made me feel like that she is the main character.... sighs... ofcourse she should be the main attraction atleast for today.... or should i say it as "my special day"?

The women in the mirror is non other than me!

Maya Krishnan!

   I always dreamt of this day... us being together.... Me with Him... from my childhood... even though my family financial status didn't stand near their status... I thought.... i thought... that I had a chance.... To be with him.... I kept my hope.... i hold on to it.... even till the last second.... till the last second... he tied knot to another woman... Every hope of us being together crumbles right in front of my eyes.... When your favourite mama...your one and only lover from childhood is getting married right in front of you... what goodness did i do in my previous birth?.... They were happily married couple... and I was a unknown broken girl... He shattered me into pieces.... But I moved past it convincing that he don't love me.. love?? to hell... he dont even like me that way...

Later when i observed that the woman he married resembles me in feature... i was confused... till now I thought he never wanna be with a person like me...
ME! The Average.... average height, average medium fair complexion, average slim body, an average indian girl to be precise with long straight hair as exemption.... but he married a near resemblance of my ownself... Is it a coincidence? Did he wished to marry me ? Did he thought about me? If yes... he might have asked right? Or am I overthinking? I should ask him to get clarity... But, there is no use in getting clarity now... He is married with another women and they are gonna live happily... all I can do is pray for his happiness and try to forget him for my saneness... staying away from hurtful things helps us to heal... so i shifted away... from my hometown...

An Year later,

I got a phone call.... from my mom...a shock awaits...

Lavanya, his wife has committed suicide...

Why would she do that? I thought they lived happily... together as a family... or thats what i heard from my mom.. Was it not true?
Why did she end her life? Did they fight? Is he responsible for her impluse decision? Was he okay? My heart ached to know his state... I came back.. just to see him... I was not prepared to meet him... not after his marraige.... and definitely not at his wife's funeral but when i saw him he looked so lost..... pale and bewildered... something inside me pains...  i can only feel sorry for him and his life. I am not in that position to get him back from sorrow and loss... I can never be the one to lend my shoulder to him...
He looked so lost.... that... was the last day i saw Him...


Moving forward.... Today... sighs... the thing is My family has planned to get me married.... for my family sake I have   accepted their decision.... So they have arranged a groom and today is my engagement... guess what... i don't even know his name... Why ? Because he is not worth remembering.... but what will happen if i got married to this not so worth stranger? What will i do if they proceed further??? Get Married?  Horror strikes through my face...

I once read a quote that said “When you feel like you are constantly worrying about the next part of your life, just remember that you are right in the middle of what you used to look forward to.” thats right.... we should stop worrying about future and concentrate on present to make better future... so lets get done with this engagement first... huffs..

I jerked away from my thoughts when one of my aunt came to take me down... breathout.... here it is.... My fucking special day... Am coming for you.....

With Love,


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