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lovesick girls, everyone eventually leaves
lovesick girls, i've become numb to crying 



My name means daisy, and a field of daisies is where people will find my dead body.

It's not all your fault.

I hope you'll feel guilty but I would never want you to live with that for the rest of your life.

I love you Lee Heeseung.

And because of that, I forgive you.

This is the last ever letter I'll write to you because after I'm done with this one, I'm gone forever.

I'm currently sitting in the grass, watching the foliage around me sway in synch with the rhythmic breeze. This isn't how I pictured my last day on this Earth to be like.

I always thought I would spend it with you. But I guess life had different plans for me.

Today I'm putting all this pain and suffering to an end.

I'm scared. My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest.

I ripped a daisy from the ground next to me, holding it between my fingers.

Oh, what I'd give to make one last daisy chain with you Hee.

your devoted lover,
kim deiji

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