Chapter Five

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Sawyer's POV:

"How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty on grounds of insanity." I looked up from where I sat in the court house. My facial features never betrayed me before, and here was no exception. No one in the room knew that I was so far from insane, I was probably psychotic for thinking it. But I was clean as a whistle, and no one in the room, the jury, the family of the victim and judge thought I was innocent. To them, I was the tainted blood of a wealthy family.

I couldn't actually hurt anyone. That was preposterous!

The court room erupted into a chaotic whirlpool of noise and accusations. I was escorted from the room, leaving the chaos behind. As I left though, I could see Derek and my parents stood in the stands.

My mother was crying, pathetic. My father looked dead ahead, unaffected by me disappearing. My brother had his head in his hands, shaking softly. He was the only one I cared about, the only one that I had to ensure safety on.

The security guard who hadn't said a word to me yet, grabbed my upper arm and took me further away where we would await my sentence.

And then it all changed, the walls went from an unforgiving beige to a cold and merciless white. The ceiling became white and the floors became white. Everything became so very white and sterile. And I was sat in the middle, alone.

I hate being alone.

The door began to rattle. The floor from beneath me began to turn black, the walls closed in around me and wallpaper curled at the ends. and in stormed a terrifying monster. Three to be exact, tall and practically frothing at the mouth. They grabbed my upper arms and began to drag me out, down an echoing hallway. My screams fell on deaf ears, bouncing around the corridor.

They were taking me to him. The scariest beast of all. He had haunted my very being and I began to kick harder, thrashing around uncontrollably as the door at the end of the hall became clearer.

My body went into overdrive as I was placed opposite him. The tall leather chair inches away from my imprisoned state.

But slowly, ever so slowly, I blacked out.

I woke up breathing heavily, sweating profusely and shaking with no signs of stopping. Fully prepared to wait out the dismal after affect of the recurring nightmare, I realised I was no longer in the mental asylum.

I was also not alone.

The room was dark, apart from a small light seeping through the gap under the door. But I could still make out the beauty sleeping peacefully on my chest. It was clear my shaking had interrupted his sleeping pattern, but he didn't move away. And I thanked him silently for it.

I could feel my racing heart begin to even out and my skin become cool as the Boston air blew through an open window somewhere. Part of me wishes Austin was awake so I could look into his big brown eyes, but a stronger part of me hopes he will sleep on.

I know that I won't sleep. I never do. After the nightmare I lay awake for hours, waiting for the sun to pool on the ground by my feet. I had to keep reassuring myself that I am okay.

That I'm not alone.

Austin rolled around in his sleep and I grabbed onto his arm when he tried to move away. I pulled him in closer, so his head rested in the crook of my neck.  He had no idea how much I adored him for so many years. Regardless of his reluctance being in my presence.

I craved his attention, and so did my brother. He is a brain dead moron, but my brain dead moron. And I had spent practically all years of my free life hunting down anyone who tried to make him theirs. His cluelessness  and innocence made him an easy target and sometimes I envied it about him. The innocence at least.

When I had been taken away I was scared someone might swoop in and take him for their own, including my brother. Or worse. He forget about me. But he remembers me. And doesn't seem as reluctant to be around me.

I know he liked me. He just had a hard time expressing it. But I'm back now. And I'm going to keep him near me at any cost.

AN: I'm sorry for the long wait on an update... But summer happened. I'm also aware it's short and boring but I already have the next chapter planned out so it won't be long!


Psycho Sawyer (BoyxMan)Where stories live. Discover now