Dead Bobby

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The sun shines mercilessly down in a small backyard. It's a small house, with a small shed and a small backyard, so of course the neighbors can clearly look in and they are very curious.

The whole family Jacobson is gathered in this little backyard, with sweat dripping everywhere, even from their lips. The family consists of the young boy Benny, his mom, Lise, and his dad Peter, who owns the house. Visiting them are the Grandparents and mom's sister and family. The neighbors have already taken out their sun chairs, parasols, and beers to witness the Jabcobson's strange gathering. 

Benny is crying his eyes out while tightly holding a small box, that has been nicely packed and even has a little heart drawn on top. "WHY IS BOBBY DEAD?!"

A little hic, taking a deep breath of air in, "MOM!!! I WANT BOBBY! DAD! MOM!!", Benny cries and begins to stomp in the ground. 

Both Lise and Peter look tired and annoyed at Benny. Lise leans towards Peter and whispers, "Why are we having this funeral? We should just have put a new goldfish in there, while he was asleep. This is so embarrassing. Look even Mrs. Tomson has come out to see this circus show!"

Peter leans back to Lise and tries to whisper back to her through Benny's screaming, "Just let him have this. It is a good experience for him. I mean, how else is he gonna learn about - " Peter gestures to the small hole he has dug for the dead goldfish. "-this? It's a scientifically proven way to teach kids about this."

Grandfather John grabs Peter's shoulder, and still whispering Peter asks, "Yeah dad? What is wrong?"

"Who died?!" half yells Grandfather John from being a bit deaf. 

"Dad, can you keep it a bit down? I told you it was Bobby", Peter checks quickly Benny, but he still yells, "WHY?! WHY DID BOBBY DIE?!" while stomping the ground.

"Who?!" John tries again, Peter turns around annoyed, "Dad, NOT now." and turns his focus back to his out-of-control son. 

Grandmother Merissa grabs John's arm, "Are you sure it is a funeral?!", John yells in a whispering voice. "I am very sure they said on the phone it was a funeral. I kept asking who, and they kept saying Bobby.", she yells whispering back. 

Getting more and more confused the grandparent yells whispering to each other. "Who is Bobby?", John asks. "I don't know. Maybe they had another child without telling us? I mean, we don't have a son named Bobby, do we?", Merissa says back.

More neighbors have come out from all the yelling from the grandparents and the crying from Benny. Lise tries to not make any eye contact with them, but some manages to catch her eyes and waves, so obligated she waves back with a fake smile. 

She looks back and sees her sister's family are all whispering together. She leans back so she can hear them.

The older cousin, May, "I don't get why we are here?"

Lise's sister Patricia "To support."

May crosses her arms annoyed, "But why? It's a... fish?"

Patricia sees Lise leaning back and whispers lower "Shh... Just for today okay?"

Getting impatience, May raises her voice, "Why?"

Not being able to take anymore Lise turns around and faces a surprised May and concerned Patricia, "Because we are all a family. And THAT FISH meant a lot to him."

Patricia steps forward "She didn't mean anything bad, she is just asking-" Loudly Lise interrupts, "WELL maybe you should have talked to her BEFORE coming here. So there wouldn't be a need for-" gesturing a circle around Patricia and May "-this kind of conversation in the middle of a funeral."

Dead BobbyWhere stories live. Discover now