Too far yet so close

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(Creators Note: There will be many mistakes beacuse English isn't my first language.)

Akito POV:

after a heavy show, Toya found his father in front of the stage looking quite upset.Toya came to his father to ask him what was going on his father responded "Young man your aunt will be visiting us so you'll stay with me and not with those...gangsters" his father said sounding quite disgusted Akito over heard him say that they're gangsters "Hey old man did you just say that we're gangsters!?" Akito sounded mad when he said that. Toya tried to calm him down by saying "Akito it's not that big of a deal" but that didn't work Akito almost attacked Toya's father

"Akito chill!" yelled An "'s like Toya's isn't that big of a deal.." said Kohane, nothing did work until Akito just exploded with madness "If you're gonna take Toya you won't see him and that 'aunt' ever again! You hear me old man!" everyone tried to calm him down but it was hopeless

After Toya left with his father everyone else came into the SEKAI and tell others in the SEKAI what happened

"Heh Akito you haven't changed at all" said MEIKO jokingly but Akito didn't get it "We weren't in the Street SEKAI for just a day and you are saying that i would change in one day?" Said Akito quite annoyed

"It was a joke Akito a joke" said An while she shook her head in disbelieve "Shut it An" said Akito sounding quite pissed off

"Oh geez!" said An "Kohane i think Akito has feelings for Toya" whispered An into Kohanes ear. Akito saw that An whispered something into Kohanes ear and looked kind pissed

The next day Akito tried to find a plan how to confess to Toya his true feelings but he wasn't getting any good plans

"Hey Akito. Akito!! Just answer me god damn it!" Yelled Ena at Akito "What is it Ena?" He answered quite annoyed "Breakfast is served i would let you starve but dad told me to say it to you" Ena said annoyed and then left the room

Akito after breakfast went to the Street SEKAI to get help and as he went there he saw Toya talking with Rin

After a while Toya noticed Akito and walked over to him "Hi Akito..." Akito was shocked to see him there "Toya what are you doing here? Isn't your aunt visiting?" Akito asked quite confused

"My dad left me alone for a while so he can talk to my aunt and so i came here" Toya said calmly and Akito was kind of happy about it "Maybe when we're separated we can sometimes go here and talk" Akito said "Okay that sounds great...since An and Kohane are talking to eachother and doing couple things" Toya agreed with Akito's idea

"Sooo...about your aunt.." asked Akito "What about her Akito?" asked Toya quite confused why he's bringing that up. "Is she okay or is she just like your father...?" Akito asked Toya and he seemed kind off embarrassed

"She is neutral...why do you need that information...?" Toya was confused why he is asking about his aunt "I just want to start a conversa..." Akito was cut off by Rin and Len

"Akitoo Toyaaa!" yelled Rin "Len is saying that if we did a karaoke challenge i would sound baaad!" said Rin looking mad and annoyed "I said that you would sound kind off bad! Not baaad!" standed Len by his side

"Hey hey! Stop this infinity fight!" said Akito. After both Kagamines had their heads at Akito he started talking to them "This is getting annoying you are twins you each are just the same but one of you is a girl and the other is a boy but this infinity fight is damn annoying!" Yelled Akito

Rin and Len looked ashamed and then Len started apologising "Um Rin...i'm sorry..about what i said.." "I apologise too i shouldn't be so mad when you share an opinion.." said Rin ashamed

Akito sighed and looked at Toya "I'll go now Ena might be looking for me.." Toya then replied "Don't worry Akito...we'll meet tomorrow"

After that Akito went back and left Toya alone in the SEKAI

Too far yet so close [Akitoya]Where stories live. Discover now