Obito: Y'now, next month is Bakakashi's birthday.

Tenzō: Really?

Obito: Yeah, he's going to be fourteen.

Tenzō: How old are you?

Obito: Eighteen.

Tenzō: Since when?

Obito: Uh, February.

Tenzō: and how old were you before that?

Obito: Seventeen.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Sixteen.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Fifteen.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Fourteen.

Tenzō: So, four years ago, you were Kakashi-Senpai's age?

Obito: No, because four years ago, Kakashi was ten.

Tenzō: But I'm ten.

Obito: And four years ago you were six.

Tenzō: Oh.


Tenzō: How old is Minato-Sama?

Obito: Twenty-four.

Tenzō: Since when?

Obito, sighing: January.

Tenzō: And how old was he before that?

Obito: Twenty-three.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Twenty-two.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Twenty-one.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Twenty.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Nineteen.

Tenzō: And before that?

Obito: Eighteen.

Tenzō: So, six years ago, Minato-Sama was your age?

Obito: No, because six years ago I was twelve.

Tenzō: So you were younger than Kakashi-Senpai?

Obito: No, he was eight.

Tenzō: He was younger than me?

Obito: No, you were four.

Tenzō: Oh.

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