Not Allowed

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Standing by my locker. She walks behind me. [I feel Her hand slide over my bony shoulder onto my bony collarbone, down my bony chest.]
She walks behind me, talking and laughing with him. And all his friends. And Hers. I turn to look at the group. I am ignored. I follow Her down the hallway. He doesn't even look at Her. She is the most perfect girl in the world and he doesn't even look at Her. But I do. [And I often catch Her looking back at me.]
She has never looked at me. Not intentionally. [When I go to class she follows close behind me.]
We don't share a class this period. I walk alone to my class. In this class, sometimes I get excited since the girl in front of me has the same type of hair as Her. In this class I need to not get excited. I'll write something. For Her
[When we sleep soundly we don't wake.]
[Interruptions will never come.]
[Yes, me and you can stay up late]
[And not be scolded once by mum]
I'll write parts at a time so I don't start to think they're real. And when I put brackets on it that helps me know it's not real. [She turns around and She winks at me.]
It isn't Her. That other girl never turned around. The bell rings. 2 more classes without interruptions. Last period can get rough. She's in that class with me. [She always talks to me while She's next to me. It can distract me sometimes. Today She wants me to walk Her home.] I'll do that.
Yeah. I'll walk her home and make sure She's safe. It's cold outside. She'll be wearing his leather jacket. I'll be wearing mine. [She likes to match me sometimes.] The bell rings [after we spent the whole class messing around and talking.] I get my things from my locker and then go to the bathroom that She walks past when She leaves school every day. [When She walks by She tells me she likes my leather jacket.] But She isn't wearing Hers. He is still wearing it. She starts on Her way home. and he comes with [us] today. She goes with him, but they don't go the normal way. He takes Her to an alley. He starts touching her [and She tries to stop him]. He doesn't stop. He throws off his leather jacket and I hear it hit the ground.
No. Stop watching them.
Don't worry. [I can help Her.]
No. Don't try.
It's okay. I walk over. He gets off of Her. [She looks relieved to see me.] I punch him in the face, he falls over. I kick his face repeatedly and then stomp on his rib cage and then kick him some more. [All the while, She stands behind me doing nothing.] He's passed out, bloody on the floor.
No. You killed him. She is clawing at your back trying to get you off of him.
[I help Her off the wall and She asks me to walk Her to my house to hang out for a while. We] leave him there and head to my house. [We head down to the basement where I live and we talk and I comfort Her.]
No. You kidnapped Her and put Her in the basement. Let Her go, please.
No. [We're in love.]

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