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the cold air of the building hit him in the face, the contrast really different from the warmth of minghao's suite.

mingyu shivered, wrapping his arm around himself as he jogged towards the park near minghao's house that he had remembered the place like the back of his hand.

he and minghao often went to that park ever since taking photography in university together, the place having great photo taking locations that gave the two flying colours in the class.

minghao majored in fashion and design, and mingyu? he took random classes all over the place for a while, before settling with a business major in hopes that he could help minghao with starting his dream business.

but now minghao was on his way to become a well known fashionista, and mingyu was picking up part times and other miscellaneous jobs around the city just to pay off his rent every month.

he didn't realize that there were tears forming in his eyes until he felt one fall down his cheek and then down his chin, falling down onto the grassy ground of the field he stood in.

he's taken someone here several times, the law major liking the place because of the serene nature and the scenery that made a great place to read. to say mingyu took a lot of photos in this place was an understatement.

he had a whole photo album on his phone saved for the photos he took of both this place and the people he's seen in this place.

mingyu sighed, looking out at the slightly bright skyline, the lamps closer to the park path lighting up the sky and dimming the bright specks of light littered across the sky.

the stars twinkled ever so slightly, mingyu inhaling and exhaling the cold autumn air.

mingyu took his phone out to take a picture of the landscape, the time barely showing, reading:


mingyu let out another sigh, pocketing his phone and rubbing his hands together.

"..let's go there wonwoo!"

mingyu tensed, turning around to see the two people he dreaded seeing.

jeon wonwoo and song hwangjin.

mingyu turned the other way, breaking into a sprint towards the direction of the pond, avoiding the light from the lamps before hopping down from the grass onto the lowered path by the lake.

he breathed in and out shakily, taking out his phone and immediately dialling minghao's number.

"gyu? is something wrong?" minghao asked once he picked up, hearing mingyu's laboured breathing.

"h-hao- can you come get me? i-i'm at the park by your house. by the lake."

"yeah sure- what's wrong mingyu?" minghao asked again, wanting to know what made mingyu call him in such a hurry.

"he- he's here with her- hao please hurry i don't know how long i can hide from them." mingyu said desperately into the phone, minghao can hear his voice break slightly halfway through the sentence.

"okay i'm on my way gyu. stay on the call okay? i know you don't want to see them right now, but stay strong. i'm almost there." minghao said, hurrying through the park, weaving through the several people walking on the path. he had basically ran out of his apartment, thanking all his lucky stars that the elevator was already on the fourth floor and that no one else pressed the button, and the sprinted out of the lobby and towards the direction of the park.

that was a huge lie, minghao only sped walked to the park.

"hao i hear them coming- i-i'm gonna move away."

"mingyu don't go anywhere, just find somewhere to hide i'm almost there." minghao said, the lake in the middle of the park in his view.

mingyu tensed up once more, eyes darting around trying to find somewhere he could hide away from the couple. he spotted a bushy area, and he made his way straight over in hopes it would cover him from sight even slightly. it's kind of hard to hide in a place as a six foot one man.

his phone was still clutched tightly in his hand, he could hear minghao say rushed apologies as the younger pushed through the crowds to find the former. "gyu? i'm here where are you?"

"you know the bushy area? i'm there." mingyu replied quietly, looking around and seeing minghao.

but right in front of minghao was the two he did not want to see.

minghao noticed this as well, skillfully ducking past the two of them, since the female counterpart in the relationship made the other stop and take a picture with her.

"mingyu." minghao called softly, hanging up the call and pulling the giant man out from practically hiding behind the bushes. "hao they're going to-" "not if we move, come on." minghao grabbed mingyu's wrist, tugging the taller down the path further before they could be spotted by the couple.

they walked around the lake, the path was going to eventually loop back to the path that lead to the entrance by minghao's apartment.

"are you okay?" minghao asked after they walked side by side together in a silence for a couple minutes, mingyu nodding his head slightly. "let's go back to my place, i'll make you some calming tea and you can stay with me for tonight." minghao said, smiling softly at mingyu. the latter didn't even have the energy to protest about being a nuisance, so he just let minghao walk him out of the park and back into his apartment.

little did they know, wonwoo and hwangjin walked fairly close behind them, but the two pairs of people were far enough away from each other to not notice the other.

minghao pressed the elevator, holding mingyu's hand in a steady grip since he knew that was a way to ground the taller after any near or happened anxiety attacks mingyu has had over the years. sure it made them seem like a couple, but if it helped his best friend, he couldn't care about what other people thought.

the elevator arrived with a ding, the younger of the two leading them into the elevator and pressing the button for the fourth floor. he also spammed the close door button so it would go faster. mingyu looked up and out of the closing elevator doors, making direct eye contact with the man he swore he would leave be.

jeon wonwoo was looking right at him, a wave of surprise flashing through his eyes.

mingyu's breathing picked up again, minghao immediately noticing this.

"gyu- don't think about them." minghao said softly, the elevator gears whirring above them, telling the two that the metal box was making its way up to the desired floor.

minghao must've seem them too.


"it's okay gyu, you're okay."

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