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I'm finishing my last few minutes in class. I still feel uncomfortable with that student there, but it seems that he's staring at me more intensely now. Like he wants to say something, or express something.

The teacher leaves us with some work at the end of the day, so I take out my pencil case to work on it. I turn around in my seat, while trying not to make eye contact this time, I reach in there and feel it missing.

How could I have dropped it? It's in my bag, zipped. Or so I thought. I ended up asking my peer next to me for one. So I could finish up my work. I'll look for it after school, it has to be somewhere.

I finish up my work quite quickly, then get up to turn it in. My teacher jokes about me rushing through it, but it was just playful. At least I hope it was. I sit back down and wait for the time to pass until the bell rings.

Ding Dong Ding

The bell makes me jump a little bit. Yet I start to get my things together quickly, so I can look for my pencil bag before kids kick it up like a soccer ball. I put my books in my bag and start getting up, and right before I go my teacher calls me.

"Ms. Aoki, can you come here for a second?'' Mrs. Tanaka. She's a nice yet stern teacher, but she barely calls my name, but it's never for something bad.

"I just wanted to say you're doing really great in my class, I was wondering if you were interested in tutoring someone?'' At this point I'm not really processing her words, I'm more worried about my bag and these kids.

"Sure, that sounds fun" I rush an answer out quickly.

"Great, I'll tell you more about it later. You seem to be in a rush.'' She smiles and wishes me a good day. I wish her the same and rush out. I feel bad yes but what if my bag is turned to dust in there. I have many pencils in there yes, but many of them were gifted to me by Lyla and an eraser. It'd be troublesome to for me to buy more, or for her buy more herself.


I've searched this place up and down. No sign of my pencil bag, I've also asked Lyla if she'd seen it but she said no. She offered to help but I said that I was fine.

But I should've accepted it, I didn't go to many places here. But after searching for an hour I've sadly given up. While slowly making my way towards the front of the school, I hear a steady pace of footsteps behind me. I turn behind me and freeze.

It's the boy with the long hair, and seems like he wants my attention. I pause in my steps and look at him. Watching his every move.

I walks up to me, "I think you might me missing something.'' his voice was very rich, and smooth. Not that he's a candy bar, but I didn't expect it to sound so soothing.

No way, does he have what I think. I think to myself as I watch him reach into his bag and pull out my pencil case. He holds it towards me. "You dropped it while you were leaving the cafeteria.''

While grabbing it and put it in my bag, while saying this, "Oh, thank you. I was looking for this for so long.'' 

"No problem, I'll be taking my leave then. Get home safely.'' He says this very plainly, but sounds sincere. I tell him the same thing and he disappears into the distance.

That was weird. Very. I start walking home and thinking the whole thing over.

Why didn't he had it to me right after school ended, and did he wait a whole hour for me?


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