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I first picked up guitar when I was 10 years old, I practiced hours on end for 11 years in order to hone my craft, it's now been about 3 years since I made my debut as the "Metal Sensation" Vulgarity. I had become revered as the greatest rock artist since Pentakill and even surpassed them in terms of popularity.

Even still I wasn't able to overcome the popularity of mainstream music, parents became outraged at my harsh message deeming me demonic and unsuitable for a wider audience in fear of me 'corrupting' the youth.

But that doesn't sway me from my message that metal can be hateful and beautiful simultaneously, my music is about allowing yourself to feel your darker feelings and embracing them as a part of you.

Pop music on the other hand seems to try and eradicate those emotions completely, forcing a never ending cycle of bliss. Foolish to say the least but I digress, I will surpass the limitations placed upon me.

I will prove once and for all that metal is no longer desuetude in our modern generation. Someday that is.

"We are on in about an hour and a half, we should probably get heading ay?" Our resident drummer Danny stated, informing us of our limited time frame, not that it bothered me much.

"Tell 'em we can head when I finish my drink." I responded, "I still think we should play something unreleased and the whiskey is helping me decide." My calloused fingers pick up the glass and bring them to my lips, I down the drink and clear my throat.

"Angry Again, we will play Angry Again for this show." I say to Danny noticing that he already left. "Whatever, next tour we are releasing the Megadeth album anyways so they won't care." This time to nobody in particular.

I stand from the stool and place a couple $50's on the counter knowing my bill was only $46, I don't like to drink often so this is one of those times I took more than usual even though I can barely feel the alcoholic effects.

Just before I am able to leave however I am stopped by a haunting memory of my past, golden eyes peering into mine she smirked if only slightly, as if she were amused seeing me here. "Y/N," she spoke, "what a surprise."

"We both know there are no surprises when it comes to you Evelynn."

"Ah that's where you're wrong darling, I've never met anyone who I can predict less than you~."

"Not now harpy I've got a show to do, now if you've had your fun then I'm leaving."

I start walking away but not before I overhear her one more time. "Oh babe the fun is just beginning." She taunts. I of course ignore it and push my way out the revolving doors and towards the van.

If she was looking for me then she wants something, and knowing her, it isn't something pleasant. Whatever I'm done dealing with her and her bullshit.

"So decided on our audience's dessert yet boss?" Les spoke, the bassist for Vulgarity and most likely one of our more influential members. He keeps track of our social media platforms and arranges all meetings and public appearances.

Unlike Danny who I've known since childhood, Les we picked up when spotting him performing on the streets for spare change. By that point I already built my fame and a small cult following.

His slap style was extremely unique and desirable, exactly what we wanted when first forming Vulgarity. He instantly recognized me from my solo artist years and when offered a place among the greats he accepted without a second thought.

His fame grew immeasurably amongst the band due to his play style and loyalty, truly I couldn't ask for a better bassist.

"Yeah it's from our upcoming Megadeth album, I'm sure you can figure out which one I'm referring to."

"Absolutely chief! By the way, is Pentakill opening for us again?"

"Yeah, I mean nobody else fits our niche genre so it's slim pickings."

"Cool, Eddie just wanted to check."

Eddie was our secondary guitarist and backup vocals, as well as our accountant. If anything he is the most important member of our group, making sure none of us go broke. He was also our latest addition and the last puzzle piece to our message.

"Let's head out." I say, throwing on my dads old aviator sunglasses and hopping in the passenger side of the van, Danny sitting behind the wheel, and Les and Eddie taking room in the back. Our destination was the Dustrou Amphitheater where we held our first major performance.

{Timeskip to just before the last song}

"Alright motherfuckers listen up, we know these last two and a half hours flew by and you all still want more so how about this." I speak softly into the microphone, hearing the screams of our fans. "Our next album Megadeth comes out in three months time but why wait for a little treat? Ladies and gentlemen, outcasts and freaks I bring you ANGRY AGAIN!!"

The crowd roars in excitement but my ears drown out the noise, for a second I catch a glimpse of someone in the audience and her eyes lock on to me. Time seems to halt as she throws out her hands in the shape of the devil's horns, shouting and squealing.

Though it seems ordinary to see it here for some reason her energy feels different from those gathered here tonight, something pleasant radiating off of her. I point to her as we begin so that she knows I see her.

With the swarm of people mosh pitting and others head banging it usually would have been impossible to find her again, that is if I had taken my eyes off of her to begin with.

I walk down and off the stage and pulled a sharpie from my pocket, signing my guitar as I walked, and stepped straight for her. She watches me like a hawk as does everyone else wondering what I am doing.

I finally reach her and present my guitar in front of her, her eyes widen as if she saw a ghost. It was tradition for one of us to sign and give away something to any random fan, but what I did next surprised everyone.

I pulled out a VIP Deathpass card which grants the holder lifetime unlimited access to any and all Vulgarity events, discounts on merch, and a three day long "live in the life" event where we basically hang out with her whenever she decides to use any of those 3 days.

I hand it directly to her and smile, "Keep this safe I don't wanna make more." She grabs it and stares in utter disbelief. "The names Y/N, mind giving me the honor of knowing the name of my new number 1 fan?"

"A-akali." Is all she could say.

"Akali." I repeat.

Power Trip (Akali x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now