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I didn't sleep at all last night, my mind running rampant with an insatiable lust for purpose had brought me to an epiphany. No longer shall we be shackled by the chains of our record label or adhering to the conventional standards for our music. If we want to truly rebel we must shatter preexisting notions of how music should be released.

"I'm canceling the Megadeth album."

The faces of my band mates, of my friends, contorted. No longer were they smiling, instead confusion plastered over their once joyful demeanor. Their eye's observed me, as if trying to sense the joke hidden somewhere between my posture but there was none to be found.

"Why?" Les questioned. I didn't give a definitive answer, only throwing my book at him to which he caught while they looked through it.

"Our music means nothing right now, only a catchy tune to get stuck in your head and profits split between us and people who wish to exploit our fame to make a quick buck. That's not rebellion, that's conformity to the standards all artists feel they must follow in order to get their message across."

Danny was the next to question, "So then, what's your plan?" He didn't seem really affected by any of this but that's why we need to change, make our efforts really worth a damn.

"I suggest we ditch the label, ditch albums, and ditch who we are right now in order to give Vulgarity a rebirth. Our music wouldn't be confined to set albums of certain styles of sound, let's give it a shot at greatness."

Eddie never questioned anything, instead he nodded showing that he understood what I was getting at. "I believe he's saying that with our talents we should all have a choice on what, when, and where we play. Giving us the chance to blend or even focus on our respective talents without trying to force the same vibe as the rest of the album."

"Precisely what I mean Ed, what do you guys think?"

For a moment there was silence, a contemplative look shrouded their eyes as they weighed my words, not a whisper amongst them. Then without warning they cheerfully shot out of their seats and hastily agreed with the plan. It's gonna take some work but rest assured, it will work.

"I'll get ahold of the label, let them know of our decision, but the next serious topic is if we go public with this or let it marinate." Les spoke.
"In other news, the greatest metal sensation of our generation 'Vulgarity' has reportedly left their label 'Hendrix Records', following up with this recent development was information about a press conference detailed in posts on all major social platforms. What does the future hold for Vulgarity and its fans? Find out as we report new details as they develop, and that's WNS News."

The TV was then cut to another channel which caused me to look behind the couch I was sitting on. Evelynn stood there, remote in hand, with an unreadable expression across her face. No darting of the eyes or curl in her lips, just standing there like a paradigm of inscrutable radiance.

"I was watching that, jerk.." I lift myself from the cozy fortress that is our couch and turn toward her. "...or just stand there and don't say anything, not creepy at all."

She finally turned towards me, her gaze seemed distant as if she were looking straight through me. "Sorry, Kali, I was lost in thought for a moment, I just didn't expect him to make that choice."

Him? "Who? Y/N? It's his band so let him do him I guess." I say that but now I'm more conscious about the Deathpass now more that ever. It feels as if that single black card was burning a hole right through my wallet. What now? Do I still get to see them? Are they disbanding?

"Indeed." She spoke, before anything else could be said she had walked out the door. I grab the remote from the table where she set it and changed the channel back to what I was watching.

After a few minutes of idle nothingness and passing rumors around the state of Vulgarity we finally got to see the start of the conference. There on the podium stood Y/N in the center, surrounded by his band mates, they all sported designer 3 piece suits which held an array of cuts and burns.

Even when not performing they continue to make statements I guess. Even the sunglasses they wore had cracks or even a missing lens, as if they just got out of a fight, and yet aside from their outfits not a single one had a cut or scrape across their faces.

Before I realized I had been staring at Y/N the conference was coming to an end. Oh well I'll just catch the cliff notes when the news channels start repeating everything that happened for a solid week or so.

Even still I had never gotten confirmation that the Deathpass would still work. I mean I don't know why it wouldn't, however I can't escape those thoughts. No! Focus Kali, you still have work to do with K/DA.

First and foremost I need to start packing, me and the girls decided we would all live together in Evelynn's house which I came to check out today and claim a room for myself, which would have been nice until the TV distracted me.

In the end the others decided to claim their rooms first, which left me with the only one that was still available. It wasn't how I wanted things to go but I really can't complain seeing as they left the room I wanted anyways.

A good couple of hours passed by while I inspected the room and moved the furniture around a few times to fit the image I had in my mind. After doing so I walked to the kitchen where I found Eve looking at a photo.

"Whatcha got there? An old boyfriend you just remembered existed?" I joke, but the forlorn look in her eyes told me it wasn't very far off. She sighed and set the picture frame down next to a small bag of coffee.

"I didn't know you drank coffee." I speak, a little more hesitant than before. She stood from the stool before speaking. "Not a boyfriend, and no I don't drink coffee." And with that she took her leave.

When my curiosity could no longer be contained I finally looked at the photo, it took a second but before long I recognized the boy standing next to Eve.

"Y/N?... how does he know Eve?" Shaking my head I set it back down next to the bag of dark blend Zaunite brand coffee grounds. "Well if things turn out a certain way at least it wouldn't be awkward to introduce them, they are obviously good friends!"

Ah shit I really need to pack!

Power Trip (Akali x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now