Abandoned Hope - Part 1

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Stretching out my legs, I try to get comfortable on the oddly shaped mossy rocks. Recently the atmosphere had seemed to be getting.. thicker? I'm not sure if that's the right word. I look around at the orange light piercing through the rocks in the tall overgrown cave around me. It takes all my energy to keep my mind off of my empty stomach and aching muscles.

The scenery was beautiful, especially at this time of day. Whatever darkness left untouched by the sunlight glowed cyan and earthy green with the iridescent moss and mushrooms. The cave rose up at least 20 story's and was filled with the oxygen of all the plants resideing inside. The only manmade things being the broken down robots, covered in ivy and dirt. They sit a few feet ahead of me, where they had been put to sleep. None of us had ever moved them. While it was sad, the beauty of the cave made it peacefully so. I have woken up to this cave every morning with a smile, but today there is a melancholy feeling that accompanies the beauty.

Soft footsteps approached behind me and I listen to them tensely closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "And you double checked...?" I ask, turning my head away from them who raised us down to look at a flower growing at my feet. Unlike us, It seemed to be thriving; Glowing.

He responds by placing a hand softy on my shoulder, kneeling down. "Triple checked," He says, moving both his arms around my shoulders in a hug. "I know it's scary but we can't lay around and do nothing. We will starve." His voice is calm and quiet but there is a tremor in his left hand, contrasting his voice.

His long black hair cascades down both of our shoulders as he holds me. Closeing my eyes, I raise my hand and put it lightly on his, giving it a soft squeese.With this his tremor stops and I feel the tenseness escape his shoulders. A soothing silence takes hold for a second before I can't help but ask, " And you're sure we shouldn't have faith in Sci?" He sighs letting me go and drawing away from me in response, like I had punched him. I stutter and start up again, "I mean... it's just-" I look up twords the green and gray remains, trying to figure out how to explain my feelings. The robots, rusty and broken, are void of all noise. They broke before I really remembered them existing. The only two oldest enough to remember is the oldest of us, Morri and Lai. There was a lasting impact it left on Morri, but Lai got over his sadness rather quickly I was told. I had just learned to walk while Morri and Lai had started to read.
I sigh at the silent sight saying, "I'm sorry Lai, you're right. I trust you its just that- I'm just..." I struggled to think to the right word. Confused? Worried? I pull my legs twords me into a tight hug, suddenly aware of the rocks imprinting on my legs, leaving my skin numb.

Lai shifts behind me after a second, moving to be infrount of me and saying, "Well I for one feel weak." His footsteps make their way around me as he breaks my gase from the robots. He continues as I look up at him, the sunlight slipping through the cracks, highlighting his figure.
"Its like... I'm being pushed to the edge of some cliff." I imagine I would have met his eyes, but his usual black tarp with a gold embroidered sun covers his eyes. His long hair is pulled together in a loose braid, some spilling out at the front. "But," he continues, "You know I've felt this way long before the Tree of Sci stoped providing us with food."

The idea of even having a bad thought about Sci still gives me the shivers, but Lai seems completely unaffected. We have been living in this cave our whole lives, and throughout this time the Tree of Sci has provided us with all we have needed. All you had to do is pray aloud for what you desired and the trunk of the tree would open, revealing the item. Once the robots taught us how to use it, they broke down, leaving Morri and Lai to take care of us.

I feel my eyebrows furrow at the statement. Lai, sensing the tension thriving in the silence, sighs the words, "I know."

"Zionnnn. Shut up." Echoed someone's cross voice, cutting off our conversation. I peak out from behind Lai, and he smiles turning back to the others approaching us walking up the hill. The three of them, Xia, Imani, and, of course, Zion, approach us loudly.

"What I can't cheer on our boy? Honestly Xia, you hangry?" Zions voice echos; very clearly. He has his head tilted at Xia with a playful smile, poking her arm. Xia grabs Zion by the ear, whisper something and then smugly let's go. Even Imani looks a bit shocked and Zions red face betrays his ovious feelings towards her as he freezes. Imani and Xia keep walking towards me, waving simultaneously.

"Imani!! You finally did those box braids!" I notice, shouting out to her.

"Yeah!" She calls back, "Xia and Zion helped me put them in."

Zion jogs to catch up to where we all finally open up into a group. "I kept telling to you to do it! Sci gave you the hair for it so long ago." He says.

Imani waves him off, "yeah yeah. I was busy working on my sculpture." Xia grabs Imani's hand with a grin giving it a squeeze.

"You guys HAVE to drop by the sculpture before we leave. It's beautiful." Xia leaned into her with a smile and Imani blushed,

"It's not that pretty." Imani whispers with a smile.

"Well, I'm sure that's not true." Lai reassures. "Plus, it's on the way back to our sleeping areas." he pauses, "Where's Morri?"

I could feel tension rise into the air as the three looked at one another. Imani nudges Zion and he sighs, speaking hesitantly, "He still hasn't changed his mind Lai... he refuses to listen to reason."

Xia jumps in, "Okay. So we need a new game plan. Any ideas?"

I watch Zion and Imani exchange a worried glance.

"Well... you know maybe we should respect his choice?" Zion states, looking away from Xia.

She wirrls around to face him. "You want to leave him here?!" She raises her voice, "Zion, you can't be serious." Her whole body stiffons with anger, and Immani places a hand on her shoulder from Xias other side.

Imani grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze with a sad sigh, "Sorry to say this but Zi is right."

"We can't and shouldn't force anyone." Lai adds on.

"Even if it would save him?!" Xia butts in.

Lai moved over to her putting a hand on her shoulder. She seemed to relax a bit at this and Imani leaned close to her as well.

I sigh and trying to bring hope to the situation say, "Maybe he'll jump in last minute-?"

"That's unlikely." Xia says. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Lai nod in agreement. Xia looks up, pleading tears in her eyes.

"Ill speak to him on my way back. Its a promise" I find myself saying, offering her my hand.
The whole group becomes quiet, turning my way. She takes it right away, burying her head in my shoulder and moving away from the others. I feel my shirt wet with her tears as Zion and Imani look at me their eyes and postures full of concerns. I hadn't talked to him since he had burned once of my drawings.

"Thank you Lucy." Xia mumbles into my shirt.

I take a breath and comb my fingers through her short strawberry blond hair, already regretting my promise. For Xia, I remind myself as my heart becomes posined at the thought.

Finally, Lai speaks. "We only have a bit of time to collect our valuables before the open time period closes." He explains. Imani and Xia split off down one side of the hill while Zion goes down the other side. Looking down at my feet I try to prepare myself for something like hell I was going to have to face.

I feel hands take mine, my eyes looking up to find Lai. He squeezes my hand and lowers his voice, bringing his head closer to my ears.

"You know, she won't know if you don't speak to him," Lai states. "What he did to you isn't fair."

Silence takes over as the idea of betraying Xia like that is quickly dismissed by my heart. "Even if it causes me a little anxiody, I'll do it. For her."

Lai sighs at this, "A little, hm? I wish you would prioritise yourself more." His hand rests on my head for a second and he presses his forehead to mine, my eyes closing. Eventually takes a step back, then around me to follow Zion. Past Lai I see Zion glancing over his shoulder with a grin watching us. He winks at me misteviously with a grin. I glare at him and wave him off, spinning around to head down the hill.

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