Chapter 8

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The next day they went for Y/N's house early in the morning. At first Y/N's parents thought she came back home not being able to adjust with Taehyung. Because they didn't accept Taehyung as their son-in-law yet. But when they saw Y/N had come with Taehyung and that too for other purpose, they somehow got upset.
They also met Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Mr. Kim was happy to see Taehyung and Y/N together. For a fraction of moment Y/N thought to forget the bitter past and blend with both family but it's not written in her destiny. There she encountered with the person whom she had least expected, Sohoon.
Few days after the marriage Sohoon came back to Kim house. He told everyone that his girlfriend cheated on him. He was so upset. And most surprisingly Kim family accepted him with ease. Also Y/N's parents gladly started to contact with him.

In the afternoon Y/N was packing her documents and stuffs, when someone entered in her room. Taehyung was outside so she thought he came back. But no, it was Sohoon. Y/N was fuming with anger but didn't utter a word. Sohoon started talking.

Sohoon : "Y/N, I'm so sorry to leave you like that. Believe me Y/N, I got its result already. Emily left me, for a guy. I'm broken badly. Now I can understand how did you feel that night. But believe me Y/N, I want to fix everything."
Y/N : "What do you mean?"
Sohoon : "I know very well Y/N that you're not happy with Taehyung. How could you? Let's forget everything and starts fresh. I've already told your parents and they've agreed too. Come back to me Y/N. Let's start..."
"SOHOON!!!", Y/N shouted.
"How could you think that cheap? I'm your brother's wife!", Y/N spilled like a volcano.
"But I know you aren't happy with Taehyung.", said Sohoon.
"If you speak a single word again, I'll forget that you're Taehyung's elder brother. I'll forget you're elder than me." Without wasting a second Y/N gathered all her stuffs and came outside. Taehyung was there. She came toward him. "I wanna go back home Taetae.",said Y/N, grabbing Taehyung's hand.
"Did she just call me TAETAE?"

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