other survivors

272 15 6

8/11/23 (unfinished ver)
2/5/24 (finished ver)
It's been a week, every now and then you've noticed these humanoid or straight up surreal figures running around the place shouting weird quotes over and over again. They don't seem human but running from them is relatively easy for the most part when you twist and turn through corners.


and now you were on the floor, but I mean you only got pushed over by the bot-with a harsh smack albeit but it's not that bad right?
the bot started dashing past you

'What the fuck??' was what you were thinking probably, you tried to stand up but to no avail, it's like there was some weight keeping you down on the floor, you could only crawl at most.

"Since when did getting up become so difficult..."

Your vision was slowly fading in and out as you've noticed

'is this the end for me?'

*Ssstt* pit pat pit pat
(cola and running sounds)

suddenly you were no longer on the floor, you could feel that someone picked you up and they're running, you still couldn't see shit btw.

"Hi! you alright? I'm not too late am i?"

you heard a soft male voice speaking

"Yeah I don't think you can respond- but I'm bringing you to the base! It's been so long since I saw another person"

You had so many questions

'Other people are alive?'
'What's happening?'
'I'm hungry ngl'
'Who is this?'

But before you knew it you were snapped back to reality, you got placed on something soft? A couch.

You felt a hand on your chest and you realised your vision was slowly coming back again

(Prolly looked like this, imagine yourself under the hand bec I ain't drawing allat)

You could have sworn you saw a floating text thingy saying something like 'b is revng yo' you dunno, you couldn't see it clearly

As soon as your vision came back you sat up in a daze

"Where am I..?"

The boy retracted his hand from your chest
"Oh, you're at the base! I say the base because I'm not sure if there's other bases out there but welcome!"

He seems very talkative

"I can show you around the base and give you some information about whats going on, whatcha say?"

!from now on you talking will have a '-' as your indicator!

-"alright..?" You said still trying to comprehend everything that just happened in the past like what, 10 minuets?

Yank! and suddenly your up and off the couch being dragged via the hand, like a tour guide of sorts to not get lost

"Oh right by the way I'm Bobo, what's your name?"

-"uh.. it's-
For now this is a pre release, sorry about leaving y'all chapterless for so long 🥶
(This is already 500 words, i plan on making this a longer chapter than the previous ones)

Updated here
Alr here we go, gonna finsih this chapter, also yur now Y/N

-small timeskip-
You were shown around the base, its mostly a long hallway that on the sides breaches out into rooms

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