The restless heart

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I've made a promise to never touch any woman until I'm certain they're the right one for me. The one worthy of my last name.

My parents, most especially my mother has brought me up so well to respect women and not mess up with their feelings.

She tells me to be the kind of man I want my future daughter to end up with. That word has sunk deep till now.

She has always been proud of how far I've come in building a good integrity for myself.

If I'm not certain about something, I don't go in for it. I never allow wealth, family status cloud my sense of judgement. So, I can boldly say I'm one of those very few gentlemen who don't want any tainted reputation...

With womanising, drugs, alcoholism or anything that can mar my future.

But that's not what the world thinks of me. They see me as a bad boy but those who really knows me, are aware I'm far from that. Is there any young man on this earth who is still a virgin at twenty-seven?

Just like me?

Yes, I do chill a lot and hang out to have good times with friends, meet celebrities, supermodels, actresses who want to rub shoulders with me, sleep with me and have babies with me, get me to have relationship with them but I have set such high standards and have limits with them.

I'm not gay, I'm perfectly straight and powerfully potent with a huge 10 inch d....and I hold masters degree in all sexual knowledge but I haven't actually had it with any woman.

Unbelievable right.

This is why I asked my driver to chauffeur Mira back home, even when she insisted on spending the remaining nights with me. She protested but I declined.

She's very attractive and intelligent. What attracted me to her was her looks and I believe she could be the one I can actually have a possible fruitful relationship with.

Since I hardly have any time on my hands,  I finally gave my cousin Raina, a chance to hook me up with someone, trusting her choice, which happens to be Mira.

I was so convinced not to engage myself in a sexual advancement with anyone until, for the first time ever, my heart raced faster than normal and I felt the most strangest adrenaline pump when I was introduced to her sister. I got hard.

Getting rock hard just by looking at someone's face for less than one minute has never happened in my life before.

Why her sister?

Why am I having such strong feelings for her and not Mira?

Tordy Heart... That's her name, a name that keeps resonating in my mind and she has given me a restless heartbeat.

I don't know what's special about her, she is just plainly dressed and equally beautiful as her sister but looks awfully familiar, yet I couldn't remember where exactly.

The feeling of nostalgia, a deja vu aura washed over me when I saw her.
She looks so timid around me as though she wants to vanish and that's something I didn't like.

Like an enigma, I want to get to know her and why I felt the way I feel towards her.
Why I could get so aroused for her.

In all attempt, I wanted her to open up, to speak to me, I want some form of communication from/with her when I noticed how tensed she was after excusing herself for a while...this was why couldn't help by questioning how she was doing.

I couldn't stop myself from doing that which was so unlikely of me.

But she's completely shut off.

Godd knows how excited I was when she mentioned my name.

Only those who knew me from San Francisco, know I'm called Luke Weiner.

At nine, I was diagnosed with an extreme case of Alzheimer's disease which got critical. My parents feared the worst and thought I was going mad.

This is why we relocated to Germany, after receiving treatment for over a year before recovery, the decision was made that I won't move back to San Francisco until I'm ready to take over my father's businesses.

I had experienced memory loss due to the disease, so having someone who actually knows my real name instead of Curtis, was a dream come true.

It gives me hope that my past is not completely wiped off as I had thought.

However, I was a bit disappointed that instead of her, she mentions that it's her best friend who knows me.

So today, I've decided to pass through Tordy's work place where I learnt she works as a inquire about who Nora is and how she got to know I'm Luke. My curiosity gets the best of me especially whenever there's a strange sense of interest and strong will to know something.

I call my driver to ready the car to Crystal Café and restaurant pub

I would like to meet her.

Tordy's pov next chapter...

Author's note

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Do you think Curtis is just pretending not to know who Tordy is or he's being curious about Nora because he doesn't really know her?

Guess who is also going to show up at Tordy's workplace...

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