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*Taylor rolled over hearing Alex talking in the other room. She reached for her phone and saw it was almost one. Taylor gasped, shot up and called Kelly. Kelly said she had everything under control and the best part about them being boss is that they can come in whenever they want. She told Taylor to enjoy her day and she would be in touch if anything came up.

Taylor sighed and thanked her sister so much. Once they ended their phone call, Taylor noticed her beach picture with the girls was getting more attention than usual. Taylor looked through the comments and saw they were all about Alex. Calling her Mrs. Sjöberg, how beautiful she was...Others said the tattoo made her look manly and that she was ugly. How Alex deserves better and she sighed. Taylor threw her phone on the bed and ran her fingers through her hair. Alex watched her in the doorway*

Alex: Social media...*Taylor looked over and she smiled seeing his naked body*...Ignore the comments. Ignore the people. Ignore them all...*Taylor nodded*...Sleep okay?

Taylor: Great. Thank you.

Alex: Of course...*Alex looked at his phone as he got a text message*

Taylor: I can go if you are busy.

Alex: Not busy. I just got this part for a show...*Taylor smiled and patted the bed*

Taylor: Tell me!...*Alex smiled and climbed back into bed. He told her about the part and Taylor looked in awe as he went into detail. Taylor saw how his brain worked and saw the way he thought about a part. She smiled and caressed his face. Alex stopped talking and they were staring into each other's eyes*

Alex: Wha?

Taylor: Nothing...I...Nothing.

Alex: What is it?

Taylor: You are just absolutely brilliant...*He smiled and kissed her*...When does it start?

Alex: Soon. It's uhh...Not a long series. Which is nice. Get to know the character a little, tell the story and done.

Taylor: I can't wait to see it...*Alex kissed her and slowly leaned her back on the pillows*...Alex!

Alex: Hmm?...*Taylor laughed as he kissed her neck in different spots*

Taylor: Screw Saturday. Let's just do dinner tonight?...*She bit her lip out of nerves*

Alex: I was thinking the same thing. No burger place. You deserve more than that...*She smiled*

Taylor: Burger place or not. I just want to be with you. I do however have to go shower and get changed.

Alex: Just stay here. Naked and all...*They kissed again*

Taylor: You don't even know if you like me...

Alex: Oh, I like you alright...*Taylor chuckled*

Taylor: You're disgusting!...*He smiled and slowly but forcefully grabbed her throat*

Alex: You haven't seen anything yet...I can tell...You have this fire in you...*Taylor looked at his lips, his eyes and his lips again. She then pulled him in for a kiss and they kissed hard. They both moaned as they kissed each other, not wanting to let go. Taylor bit his lip and Alex moaned. He ran his fingers through her hair and the next thing she knew...She was moaning his name all over again*...See. Fire.

Taylor: Shut up...*He chuckled*...So it's now four. I can be ready by...Eight?

Alex: Spend the night. I'm home for a little while. Stay with me.

Taylor: I?

Alex: I mean we got the hard part out of the way. No pressure but I would like you to stay...*Taylor caressed his face and he kissed her hand*

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