#Get Back Together

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*Kelly and Taylor's show was now up and running. It was a hit and it made the girls happy. Some of the comments were about Alex, Taylor brushed it off and kept moving on. Taylor finally got to a point where the thought of Alex didn't make her feel sick. She did see that Alex and Alyssa had split again.

Kelly was helping Alex with the furniture and as much as Taylor wanted to tell her no. She knew it was business and couldn't tell her no. While Kelly was with Alex, Taylor kept her mind busy by looking at furniture for their house and the house they were working on. It was a random night and Kelly was with Zack for the weekend. Taylor popped on the TV after her shower and saw Alex on the TV*

Taylor: Seriously...You are everywhere!...*Taylor rolled her eyes and watched*

Jimmy: How's True Blood going? Season two is on the way?

Alex: Yeah, it's great. We are just about done with season two...*The crowd clapped and Alex smiled*

Jimmy: Your friend...Taylor...*The crowd cheered and Taylor smiled at the love*...Their show is not just some regular house show. It's really taken off.

Alex: I haven't seen it but I hear good things about it. She's phenomenal at what she does. Her sister is just as talented...Both of them are really talented...*The crowd clapped. They showed a clip that looks into the season one of their show*

Kelly: I'm Kelly.

Taylor: I'm Taylor.

Taylor and Kelly: And we are the Coleman sisters...*Taylor rolled her eyes*

Taylor: I hate when we do that...*They laughed and it made Alex's heart skip a beat as he heard her laugh again*...NO! Oh my gosh!

Bobby: What?

Taylor: Look!

Bobby: Oh BEEP.

Taylor: Just another BEEP thing this week...*The camera showed Taylor walk off, squat and cry. Taylor cleared her throat as she watched herself and seeing herself in pain, in that state of mind*

Kelly: I usually can't come to the store on my own. I always shop for what we need but then I over shop for our house.

Taylor: Because you have a problem...*Kelly smiled and they showed more of the confessionals of the girls*

Kelly: No, I have someone in my life. Zack has been great...*Taylor saw herself fix her shirt and she remembered being uncomfortable in that moment. They showed Kelly and Zack together. Then they went back to the girls and Taylor saw herself run her fingers through her hair*

Jimmy: How about that? They seem honest and loving...*Alex nodded*...So please tell us about this new movie. You look incredible for it...*Alex smiled*

Alex: Stop it but definitely go see it...*They talked about his new movie and Taylor wiped her tears as she saw his smile. She sighed and heard the doorbell. Taylor saw the time, turned off the TV and walked to the door*...Taylor.

Taylor: Alex? Wh-...It's almost eleven?

Alex: I...

Taylor: Do you need something?...*It then started to rain and she closed her eyes at not wanting to leave anyone in the rain*...Come in...*He walked in*

Alex: How are you? We haven't really...I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Taylor: I'm good. I was about to go to bed. I have a headache.

Alex: Yeah. Cool. Cool, cool...*They stared at each other*...I should probably go...*Taylor nodded and fought off the tears. Alex turned around and then looked back at her*...The kitchen came out beautiful.

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