The Maddening Dance

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Was he a student here? That thought echoed through my mind as I shamelessly stared at him, my senses heightened by the intoxicating scent of his sweet blood. I couldn't help but wonder if I was older than him or if he was merely visiting. Perhaps he even owned this school. A whirlwind of questions swirled within me, each one vying for my attention.

Suddenly, the headmaster, or so I presumed him to be, cleared his throat, drawing my gaze reluctantly away from the enigmatic young man before me. Yet uncertainty lingered. Was this elderly gentleman truly the headmaster, or was he just a visitor paying a call to the true principal of this illustrious institution? My curiosity consumed me, desperate for answers.

"You must be the new students," the old man spoke, his voice gentle but commanding. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

I flashed him a smile, my head tilting ever so slightly, as I mustered a quiet reply, "Yes."

Leaning in attentively, he prompted, "What is it?"

The headmaster's gaze flickered intermittently between me and the enigmatic stranger beside himself, creating an air of intrigue and mystery. I took a moment to gather my thoughts, carefully choosing my words before speaking.

"Are you the principal?" I inquired, my voice laced with curiosity and anticipation.

A small smile formed on his weathered face as he straightened his tie, confirming, "Yes, I am."

A surge of satisfaction washed over me, an unspoken victory. I mentally ruled out the possibility of the enigmatic young man being the principal. If the elderly gentleman before me held the title of principal, then the enigmatic young man must be a student. The realization filled me with a mix of amusement and intrigue as I pondered the secrets he might hold within those captivating eyes of his.

"Perfect," I uttered with a sly smirk.

I gingerly reached for the meticulously arranged schedule that the secretary had been holding onto for what seemed like an eternity. As I grasped the crisp paper in my hand, a shiver ran down my spine. I couldn't help but sense his penetrating gaze still fixed upon me, causing a surge of self-consciousness to course through my veins. Determined to maintain an air of confidence, I added an extra sway to my stride, hoping to leave an impression.

However, just as I was about to step across the threshold into the bustling hallways, a sudden wave of doubt crashed over me, physically destabilizing my footing. I stumbled, my heart momentarily in my throat, as a vivid image of him with a potential mate invaded my thoughts. The embarrassment of tripping in front of him paled in comparison to the simmering anger that coursed through me at the mere notion of his belonging to someone else.

Unlike werewolves, who were blessed with the concept of mates, vampires like myself were not as fortunate. We roamed the world, devoid of that one special person to complete us. A soft, resigned sigh escaped my lips as I attempted to compose myself, smoothing down the impeccable lines of my uniform with trembling hands. I pushed forward, determined to carry on as if nothing had transpired, but the lingering thought of him finding a mate continued to plague my mind, like a relentless specter haunting my every step.

My first class of the day was English, a subject that held little challenge for me. Having witnessed the evolution of language over the past two centuries, the different dialects and linguistic transformations held little surprise. The teacher, a young human who appeared to have recently graduated from college, exuded an air of earnest enthusiasm. His slightly oversized clothes and the black-rimmed glasses perched upon his nose gave him an endearing, albeit somewhat awkward, charm.

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