Chapter 2: Party of the fucking year

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"Where are you omg! Shit I need you now come on! What's the time? Fuck that's late."

Wooyoung was rummaging through his closet looking for that one piece of clothing he desperately needed for the night. He had just showered and only had 30 minutes left until he needed to go. Now 30 minutes sounds like a long time, but Wooyoung still needed to do his make-up and make his hair look perfect. Normally he doesn't wear make-up but tonight was different. He was going hunting so the boy needed to look hella fine.

He had also spent his entire summer break at his mom's. She lived about 3 hours away from Seoul and Wooyoung didn't really have any friends back at home so clubbing hadn't really been on his mind. So to go out for the first time in months actually made him excited as hell. He even surprised himself with how excited he was. Wooyoung hasn't been thrilled for anything lately so this would be good for his mental health.

"Omg my baby, I found you!"

His outfit was complete now. Black leather pants that made his thighs look scrumptious, a black, sleeveless turtleneck that showed just a bit of belly, with a black cropped jacket with silver details and sparkles on it. He put on his favourite dangly silver earrings, a thin neckless with a little dragon on it and a couple silver rings.

Now it was time for hair and make-up. He let his raven black hair grow out over the summer so he could now put it in a small half ponytail, which he did, letting some front pieces out to frame the face. For make-up Wooyoung put a bit of concealer under his eyes to hide the evidence of sleepless nights and made the tiniest smoked out wing ever to enhance the fox-like shape of them.

"Ok. All done, phew", Wooyoung said and looked at himself in the full body mirror he spent way too much money on, but it was worth it right now. "I look terrific jeez."

Woo's friends and him were supposed to meet in front of the dorms at 8 p.m. and the walk took around 5 minutes, but it was three minutes past eight and knowing how his friends were time freaks he needed to go like right now.

"Mr Jung Wooyoung, care to explain why you're almost 10 minutes late?" Yunho said. "Oh wait never mind I can already tell. Jeez Woo, you really went all out today."

"I told you guys. He is gonna hunt tonight so of course he would go all out", Yeosang replied and Wooyoung just smirked at them.

"You know guys, we can stand here all day long and admire me but I think we have a reservation to catch."

"Fuck you're right. Let's go guys and let's get drunk!" Yunho shouted.

They all cheered and headed towards the restaurant.

The dinner itself was really nice. It made Wooyoung realise how much he had missed his friends over the summer. He loved his mom to pieces, but his life had been very predictable and boring this entire summer, which wasn't good for his mental health, especially when he saw all the Instagram stories of people going on vacation, chilling with friends and doing all sorts of stuff he could never afford. So working the entire vacation was his only option.

Going out was a change of pace and he loved it and with a couple drinks in Wooyoung's system, all his worries seemed to wash away and he felt ecstatic.

"Wooyoung can you please release me I can't breathe",

Wooyoung was a clingy person by nature and having alcohol running through his veins made it even worse, so right after their food had been devoured he threw himself onto Jongho for some very much needed affection.

"But I've missed You~ Jongie", he giggled and released him.

After that Jongho let out a very dramatic breath like he was suffocating before and the other slapped his arm jokingly. Jongho could deny it all he wanted, he could push Wooyoung away and make disgusted faces, but Wooyoung still knew all too well that Jongho secretly loved affection.

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