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Hey guys! Miss me? Well Ao3 being down is driving me crazy
[Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I w-]
And I remembered this existed so im using it as a chance to talk about some of my new ocs!!
All of these are inspired by rollercoasters and their lore. Who knows, you might find your favourite rollercoasters in this sudden slew of updates.
Enjoy! But first I'll describe a few concepts.

In this universe, there's a specific hormone that very few people have. This hormone acts up whenever the body feels like its in danger or a strong will to live occurs. This then forces the bodies to adapt different features with  more popular adaptions including longer + sharper teeth and nails.

This hormone can also be found in different animals and plants, which will oftentimes become more humanoid, to varying degrees of success. While - in universe - it is unknown what dictates this success, I base it off how highly rated the rollercoaster is.

On top of these features, they tend to adopt some form of power. Flight is not classed as a power, but rather a result of other features prevalent on the body.

Most beings may also adapt a second form as a disguise amongst humans. It is a choice as to whether it is used, but most do.

If the change is formed by an injury, it is usually healed, although any injuries sustained before the fetal blow will remain. Hence why my Haunted Mansion [Florida] character uses a crutch, and my FLY [Phantasialand] character still has several prosthetics and a wheelchair (which he prefers to use).

After the change, some characters also adopt amnesia, especially if they suffered through some sort of heavily traumatic event, a prolonged period of torture, or suicide.

I will warn when and if suicide, self harm or addiction is mentioned.

There is a second, harder-to -explain concept that is not necessary to understand. However, knowing about it helps to explain the concept of retheming areas and particular rides.
There are extra-dimensional beings, unable to be perceived by your average human eye, that can make the process easier for the body to change. It is vital for the survival of the characters to have one as a partner, so that they don't immediately die due to the sudden changes their bodies adopt. The beings can also choose different features and powers that the character will adopt, and can also manipulate their memories.
They tend to do it for fun and entertainment, rather than the goodness of their hearts, however some beings do seem to have kindness as a core principle.

We cannot see them, no matter what, but they can choose to present themselves in a perceivable form for their partnered character. Such beings that tend to do this are The Lord Of Darkness to Oblivion. Most are just backseat viewers that change characteristics upon their own will.

One final thing : there is a witchcraft/sorcery system. It works on equal exchanges which CAN be a life for a life if the magician is BORING and uncreative but can also be something like, making someone forget something, at the exchange of remembering a Horror for the rest of your life.
Hex [alton towers] uses those kinds of exchanges rather frequently:)

Only some characters harbor the ability to do this, and they can be picked out by the fracture-like cracks through their skin or other objects in their home/on their person. Examples mostly being canes or trees. The more cracks, the more experienced and powerful they are as a magician.

It is also important to know that magicians don't have to have that hormone, and can be a human. This means that humans can find out if a character is undead, a carrier or "normal".

Also most of these characters are at least 1 letter from LGBTQ+, mostly trans or generally genderqueer, but there are thriving queer relationships including wlw, mlm, queerplatonic , polycules and more.


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