An Unexpected but not Unwelcome Proximity

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Warmth is what envelops Kunikuzushi as he lets his head plop onto the pillow at the head of the bed. Ajax is on top of him, smiling up at him like a dog with no sense of danger- that's essentially what Kunikuzushi is constantly comparing him to though. They're both thoughtlessly loyal and— He stops his thoughts there. He'd rather just let his hands roam through the head of ginger hair that lays atop his hollow chest than actually let himself get sappy over this.

Okay, sure, Ajax is attractive and he's very skilled in most things he does, but Kunikuzushi would never allow himself to say that he's fallen in love with him. It's more a matter of enjoying his annoyingly satisfactory company every so often than whatever romance any outsider would perceive their relationship as.

Somehow, Ajax is convinced that their relationship is romantic. He's offered to take Kunikuzushi on dates countless times at this point, even bringing him gifts on specific days for whatever reason that Kunikuzushi has since pushed out of his memory.

Arms snake around Kunikuzushi's waist as his fingers leaf through Ajax's hair. He'd rather not think right now, but those thoughtlessly dead eyes peer into his own indigo eyes with such intensity that he swears Ajax is about to ask to fight him. It wouldn't be the first time.

Yet, all the ginger man does is press his cheek right against the spot where Kunikuzushi's chest is conjoined with his arm.

The action is so pathetically romantic that Kunikuzushi almost laughs.

"Hmmmmph, Kuni, you're so beautiful. It's not fair, share some."

Of course, in moments like this, Kunikuzushi has no escape from the ruthless onslaught of compliments coming from a drowsy Ajax. How the man got so sleep deprived to the point of being this sappy was beyond anything that Kunikuzushi's mind could bring forth an explanation for. He supposed Ajax could be considered enigmatic in moments like these; different from the way he's so energetically itching for a fight at any given moment during the day time- when he's much more well-rested.

"Go to sleep already, Ajax."

His words don't make it anywhere close to actually getting Ajax to sleep. It's unfortunate for Kunikuzushi, he does enjoy nights like these and getting to see Ajax's sleeping face. He tends to like the parts where he brushes Ajax's hair out of his eyes and tracing the scars delicately with his inorganic fingers.

Ajax presses faint kisses against the crook of Kunikuzushi's neck, each leaving a small tingling sensation on the carefully-crafted skin of the puppet's body. It's odd, the way that Ajax makes Kunikuzushi feel. Every loving sensation left against his skin holds the same passion as the few times he gives in to the ginger's incessant requests to spar with him. Maybe, for some unbeknownst reason, the passion in their sparring and the passion in these hopelessly domestic moments are the same because that's one of Ajax's many ways of showing his affection for the indigo-haired puppet. Kunikuzushi thinks that idea to be undeniably pathetic, but there's something about it that makes something inside of him tingle.

"Let me spoil you."

Ajax's voice is muffled against Kunikuzushi's skin– skin that holds no blood or pulse underneath, skin that protects nothing except mechanical parts as compared to the skin of Ajax. Ajax's skin protects muscles, bones, organs– a heart. What confuses Kunikuzushi the most is how Ajax could possibly love a creature with no heart. He can feel no love in return, but Ajax loves him with the ferocity of a burning house anyways. He's impure and loveless. His purity had been ruined by the betrayals he'd faced in the past and further ruined by the thoughtless blood that he had spilled. His hands and soulless body were bloodstained by the blood of people he was supposed to consider his family. Yet, Ajax manages to find reason to love him anyways.

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