The Days Go By, Yet I Still Call Your Name

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Scaramouche always knew that someday he would have to sacrifice his and Childe's relationship in the pursuit of his purpose. He never wished for this to be the outcome, but between taking on the heart that his creator, his mother, had so unnecessarily ripped away from him five-hundred years ago for he shed tears in his dreams or living a happy life with a man who he had only recently met but felt complete around– his one true purpose would always come first.

His departure to Inazuma was rapidly approaching and the weight of having to leave Childe behind rested on his shoulders. He dreaded this for months– ever since he found out that he would be sent on the mission to retrieve the Electro Gnosis, the heart that had long been ripped from his futile and hollow chest. He didn't understand why or how he had found himself so attached to the Eleventh, but he did know that this was not something he wished to do. Days of comfort and silent love would be long bygone by the time he would arrive in Inazuma, by the time he would wake the Gnosis, by the time he would attempt to infuse his body with his rightful heat, by the time he would finally ascend to godhood as intended upon his creation.

He was certainly going to miss and yearn for Childe.

Scaramouche found himself standing in front of the door to Childe's personal resting quarters. His hand hesitated in an anticipatory moment, his mind filled with everything that could possibly go wrong. He knocked– once, twice, and then the door opened. Empty and dazed blue eyes gazed down at his own indigo eyes. Oh, how he ever yearned for a proper future with the man in front of him.

"Scara? It's late.. What's up?"

Words failed The Balladeer for a brief moment as he found himself looking longingly upon Childe– unruly, rusty locks of hair that were currently strewn about in every direction they could be, sleep laden, ocean blue eyes that peered down at him lovingly despite the inherent exhaustion they held in their emptiness, the freckles splattered generously across his face, and the scars from his ever-so-eager-to-battle personality. All of it, he took into his mind in what was an attempt to forever frame him in his undying memory.

Eventually he found the words that so vehemently avoided him before.

"I just wished to see you before I'm sent off for my mission in Inazuma, I'm not sure how long we'll be apart."

His words were embraced by a warm tone that he only ever used with Childe, yet there was a melancholic drop to it as well. Scaramouche was never one to let on his true feelings– at least not until he met Childe. He was always hiding behind a mask of crude sarcasm and verbal and physical violence, the latter happening more often than not with his subordinates. He'd definitely eased up when he and Childe became more romantically involved, but he still never enjoyed letting people know what was truly going on inside of his mind.

"Is that so?"

Despite the fact that he had been awoken in the middle of the night, he still made it a point to tease the shorter man. His tone was laced with enamorment and adoration as he stepped aside to allow Scaramouche into his room. As the puppet breezed by him, he closed and locked the door. He then turned to face Scaramouche once more. The smaller man had sat himself on the taller's bed, hat placed aside on the floor as he stared expectantly at Childe.

"Aren't you going to come join me, Ajax?"

Scaramouche tilted his head slightly, patting the empty space on the bed. He hummed in satisfaction as Childe sat next to him. He leaned his head on the taller man's shoulder. He knew it was going to hurt the both of them to go through with this, but it's all he could do.

Muscular arms wrapped around Scaramouche's waist and before he could process it, Childe was holding him in his lap with his head pressed against the upper half of his chest. He closed his eyes as the ginger held him close, breathing in the raw scent that emanated off of him. His senses weren't as great as that of a human's, but he could still appreciate the way that Childe had such a specific smell that always managed to comfort him– a scent that made him feel as though he had a home. It only made matters harder for him.

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