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I became craving for you more, uncontrollably.


~ Jongsang special ~

San and Heeseung were both walking into school since they'd met each other that morning in the shops, stopping by to get snacks for that day. They'd been lost in their conversation for the entire time and once they entered the school gates, San spotted Wooyoung with Yeonjun and Changbin. He was wafting his hand around and occasionally would burst into laughter bending over and clutching his stomach. San wondered what Yeonjun or Changbin said that made him do such a hard belly laugh.

Nonetheless, he looked so happy and San could only think of how beautiful he looked when he smiled or laughed. He was staring at him so much he wasn't paying even half attention to Heeseung. Heeseung followed San's eyes and realised who he was looking at. His smile instantly turned upside down.

"Let me know when you're done admiring him", he rolled his eyes.

"Huh?", San turned his attention back to him "oh. I'm sorry I was just... never mind"

"I never did"

"Heeseung?", Heeseung looked at him in response "what do you personally have against him? I don't think this is about rumours anymore. I think there's more. Like you two have some past or something"

"No we haven't. Who told you that?"

"No one. But your persisting hate towards him makes me think it's not even rumours anymore. There's another reason why you're so strongly against him"

"There's no reason."

San gave him a suspicious but chose to leave it to avoid dragging it on any longer in case he didn't want to talk about it. The two split up going to their individual classes. San could not, for the love of him, focus. His mind was one way or the other, wandering towards Wooyoung and the thought of him just brought a smile to his lips. San caught himself giggling before slapping a hand over his mouth. Changbin and Han, who were on either side of him him, stared at him from the corner of his eyes.

"What the fuck San", Changbin side eyed him.


"Did I just hear you giggle to yourself? What are you thinking of? Who are you thinking of?", Han added.

"Nothing. No one. It just happened. God that's embarrassing"

Changbin and Han slowly turned around, trying to finish their lyrics. San cursed internally before focusing on the music sheet in front of him. The lesson dragged on. And San just couldn't concentrate. He blamed it on the night he spent with Wooyoung where he spent a little too long admiring him to the point of falling for him. But he just didn't think it'd get to the point of thinking of him every second.

The loud screeching of the bell was what snapped him out of his deep thoughts. He forced himself up realising he's barely done anything that day. The other two on the other hand were nearly done with their lyrics. He groaned and followed them out to the canteen for their break. All three of them headed to their table where they saw Seungmin, Felix and Seonghwa, Chan and Hongjoong already waiting.

"Hey guyssss", Hongjoong smiled from the spot he managed to steal next to Seonghwa "I'm guessing we still have a song to decide"

[ LAGOM || WooSan fanfic ] sequel - book 1Where stories live. Discover now