Secrets Untold

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As soon as we walk into the house, Taehyung has his hat and mask off pushing me against the door, our mouths collide, and the kiss is mind blowing on every level, I have never felt anything like this before, it's like he is my oxygen, and I can finally breathe. I pull away quickly when I feel a sharp pain on my lip, I touch the area and see blood on my fingers, "I am so sorry Seokjin." The distraught look on his face, breaks my heart, "it's okay Taehyung, I like it a bit rough." I joke to lighten the mood, but he looks mortified, before I know it, he is out of the room. 

What the fuck just happened, his mood changes are making my head spin, and I can't handle this right now. I walk out the door, I am going out to have some fun, if he doesn't want me someone else will. I realize that I am starving, Tae and I didn't have lunch, so I stop at a small restaurant on my way to the club. I wish Hobi was here, we would always go clubbing together, now I am on my own.


It's busy for a Wednesday night, I find a seat at the bar and order a drink, "Jin." I freeze at the sound of the voice, but I don't turn around, why is he here, "Jin, look at me, where have you been." I turn to look at the guy who broke my heart, my ex, the one who fucked another person in our bed, "Jax, why are you looking for me, we broke up." "I wanted to see you, can we fix this baby, I miss you", he says. I roll my eyes, standing up and walking out of the club, he follows me and pushes me into an alcove between buildings. "Jax, stop it let me go", I say fighting him.

He tries to kiss me and I slap him, "get away from me." All of a sudden the light above our heads goes out, we are in pitch black until a red glow appears. "What the fuck is this", Jax asks not letting me go. We hear a soft disembodied voice, but we don't see anyone.

"The Prince will be very upset that you are touching his Baeuja, he is a very protective and possessive man and will have no problems killing you."

Jax is ripped away from me and thrown out into the street like a crumpled heap, "Seokjin, the Prince will be here shortly, we will handle the rubbish in the street." The red glow disappears and I feel an arm around my waist, I am pulled into someone's arms, when I try to fight the person off me, I hear the beautiful deep voice in my ear, "Its me Seokjin, I'm here Baeuja, nobody will ever hurt you again." I feel his lips press to my neck and I melt into him, "let's go home, we need to talk."


Tasting Jin's blood made me panic, I hated to leave him like that but I had to get away or I would have taken more and I cant have him terrified of me. I pace my office floor until I can figure out what to do next, when the lights suddenly flicker.

"Taehyung, can you hear me." 

"Jungkook, is that you", I ask. "Yea its me brother, finally, it's about time I can get through", he says. "Holy shit, how are things there, how is my mother and grandfather", I ask. "They are hanging in there Tae, but you need to get back as soon as possible, your father has become something evil, and I think it's the seerer that he has befriended, she is the source", he says.

 I can't believe I can finally hear my best friend, it has to be Seokjin's blood that did it, he really is my Baeuja, I need to tell him the truth, I need to know if he is going to stand by my side or run in fear.

"Prince Taehyung, your Baeuja is in trouble, you need to get to him as soon as possible", The Keepers tell me. My teeth extend and I am out the door in less than a second, it takes me no time at all to pick up his scent, I watch as the Keepers deal with guy bothering Jin. I wrap my arms around him, and lean in to kiss the vein on his neck that I crave so much. "Are you okay, Seokin", I breathe into his ear. "I am now", he leans in and kisses me. "Let's go home, we need to talk", I say.


When I get Jin back to the house, Jimin is right there by the door, "Oh Master Jin, are you okay, did that man hurt you." He smiles and hugs Jimin, "I am okay, he didn't hurt me." "Jimin, I think it's time that Jin and I talk about things", I say. "I believe you are right Sire", Jimin says smiling, knowing that I need to return home. "I will make dinner, please Master Jin, shower and change, I am sure that Taehyung doesn't like the scent that lingers on you", Jimin says walking back to the kitchen.

Jin looks at me with questions in his eyes, I just shrug and walk toward the dining room. "Jimin, I spoke with Jungkook today", I tell him. "Sire, how", he asks. "I think consuming the little bit of Jin's blood that I did, opened up something, I now know he is my Baeuja", I say. "I never doubted for a second", Jimin pouts. "Yea, Yea, I am stubborn, I know", I say. "I am so happy for you Sire, I miss my mate, I can't wait to see him", Jimin says happily. "Don't get ahead of yourself my friend, I still have to tell Jin about me and who he is to me", I say.

"Oh Taehyung, he likes you, I can see it when he looks at you", Jimin defends. "He likes who he thinks I am, once he knows the truth, he may not feel the same, that is why I am terrified to tell him the truth", I say. 

"Tell me the truth about what", Jin asks walking in.

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