Love Changes Everything

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"Seokjin, please sit, I have to tell you something that might come as a shock", I say, terrified that he will not accept me. "Taehyung, are you okay, are you sick", he asks scooting forward to hold my hand. I can't help but to smile at his concern, I raise his hand to my mouth and kiss it, "no, I am not sick, I do appreciate your concern though, its very touching." "I care about you Taehyung, so my concern is real, please tell me what's wrong", he says squeezing my hand.

"There are is a reason that I cannot go into the sunlight, there is a reason I don't eat a lot of food, and there is a reason that you and I have such a strong connection", I say. He looks confused but doesn't say anything letting me finish, "it's because I am a vampire and you are my mate." He stares at me for a moment, and then starts to laugh, loudly, "Taehyung, you are good, you had  me fooled there for a second, you sounded so serious."

I didn't laugh with him and after he settles down and actually looks at my face, he stops laughing, "eh, ah, you are kidding right, Taehyung vampires are just folktales, they are fictitious." "That's what people want to believe Seokjin, just like ghosts and aliens, they've never seen one so they don't exist", I say. He laughs nervously, "what did you mean when you said I am your mate."

"You are my Baeuja, my other half, the soul that completes me and makes my whole", I say standing and walking toward the fireplace. He stands, I can see he is trembling, "prove to me you are a vampire." "Jin, I don't think", he doesn't let me finish. "SHOW ME", he screams, tears in his eyes. I sigh, moving to stand in front of him, I open my mouth and extend my fangs.

His eyes blow wide open and he stumbles backward, I walk toward him to keep him from falling but he screams at, "LEAVE ME ALONE." My heart breaks at his words, the fear in his eyes is killing me, I want to comfort him but that can't happen right now, "Jin, I would never hurt you, I love you." He runs out the front door and out of my life, I will never see my family again, I will never know the love of my mate, and I will never have an heir.

I crumble to the ground, Jimin runs to me and offers his wrist, "feed Sire please, you need your strength." I bite his wrist and drink in the nourishment my mate would normally give me, vampires need other vampire blood to keep their senses sharp and their powers strong. "He will come back Taehyung, you will see, he will figure it all I just know it", Jimin says. I lick the bite and it heals within seconds, " I love your optimism, I need that right now, but I know better, he is scared of me."


I finally stop running, remembering that I have nowhere to go, I don't have any of my things, all I have is my cell phone and my wallet. I need to find a place to stay, I need to wrap my head around everything Taehyung just told me. I find a small hotel in the downtown area that isn't too expensive, I take the key from the clerk and head to my room. Pacing the room, I feel a pain in my chest, its mild but it feels like it's getting stronger, what the hell is happening to me.

I stop pacing, realization hitting me in the chest literally, I miss him, I want nothing more right now then to be with Taehyung, it hurts so much I could cry. Is this what he meant when he said I was his mate, is that why I am in pain and missing him so much it hurts, but he's a vampire, how am I supposed to be with a vampire when I am human. Maybe I should actually sit and talk with Tae, he can explain all this to me, I shouldn't have run like I did, that was rude and uncalled for, seeing his fangs was actually really sexy. 

I sigh, sitting on the bed, my head in my hands, "I wish Hobi and Namjoon were here, they would tell me what to do." I lay back on the bed and close my eyes, I feel a bad headache coming on, when I open my eyes again, I see that its dark outside, "how long did I sleep." Sitting up, I notice the pain in my chest is worse, I think I need to stop being so afraid and face the man I am falling in love with, that is the only way I will figure all of this out.

I walk back to Taehyung's, hoping he will forgive me for my dramatics, before I even knock on the door it opens, "Master Jin, I knew you would return." "Is he upset with me", I ask. "No no, he loves you Seokjin, he was just hurt that you ran in fear from him, he will never hurt you, you are his Baeuja forever", Jimin says shutting the door. "Where is he, I need to see him", I ask. "He is hurting Jin, when you left, the pain for him was unbearable", Jimin says. 

"It was for me too, that was one reason I came back, I need to understand Jimin, I need Taehyung to explain to me what this is and how this all works, does he want to see me", I ask afraid of the answer. "He does, very much, he is in his room", Jimin says pointing upstairs. I nod and run up the three flights, I stand before his door and hesitate, then I knock and open the door, "Taehyungie."

"Baeuja, you are back", he says from inside the dark room. 

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