Chapter 5

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George bit his lip and stepped onto the ice. His short program went by in a blur, jumps and spins latching together to form a whole piece of choreography that he hoped he had executed well, if not flawlessly. Caked on makeup made his facial features prominent, giving more life to his hopefully prevalent expressions and emotions. He channeled all of his fear into his long routine, letting all of it flow and mix into his moves and injected them with true humaization that slotted with the music. He gently coaxed himself into landing his final move, the one he had been working on the day he first really and truly met Dream, and let out a deep breath.

It was over, he was done. Now all that was left to do was wait for his scores, which wasn't quite as easy as it sounded. Figure skating rating takes a lot of math, subtracting points for certain things and adding for others. Most of the numbers were usually decimals as well, which he commended whoever did the math for not crying at the sight of.

When they finished the ratings, George was practically buzzing in his seat. He fiddled with hands, then decided to wrap them in Dream's hoodie that he had slipped on for warmth. Dream had let him keep it, and he had barely ever taken it off since. It filled him with a sense of home and he didn't want to ever lose that.

"In third place is Nihachu!" the announcer called out, and George watched Niki walk up the small podium and stand on the lowest stool. Some old guy placed a bronze medal around her neck, and she smile brightly.

George's gut was turning. Niki had only gotten third, which meant all the weight was on his shoulders to get first. He just hoped he had done enough.

"In second place is Hannah Rose!" The announcer called out a second name, and a pretty brunette in a rose designed pink leotard and flared pink skirt made her way to the podium. Once again, an old guy slipped a medal around the neck, but instead of bronze it was silver.

George held his breath, squeezing his teddy and crossing his fingers.

"And in first place is George Davidson!" The announcer called out the final name, his name, and the crowd was cheering and his heart was pounding his ears and suddenly his coach was pushing him up towards the podium.

George stumbled forward and made his way to the podium, grinning widely. Niki gave him a sweet smile, and so did the Hannah girl, before he stepped up onto the tallest piece of the podium. The old guy came up to him, slipped a gold medal around his neck, and backed off so everyone could take pictures.

George barely noticed Dream coming down from the stands and snapping a few photos before moving out of the way to let others take a few pictures as well.

The hype lasted for about 15 minutes before Niki, Hannah and George were allowed to go their respective ways. Hannah and Niki were chatting away together like they were best friends, so George took that as his cue to go see Dream.

He looked around, and there was Dream standing by the snack stand, holding a giant chocolate bar and staring right at him. The beaming smile Dream sent him was one that George couldn't help but return.

Drunk on the lights and cameras and noise, George raced towards Dream and allowed the taller to envelope him in a long hug. George looked up from the hug and saw Dream's eyes looking right back into his own, asking silently for permission.

George could blame it on pure adrenaline, but he wasn't going to. He was going to take full responsibility for his actions for once, because he was proud. He wasn't proud of Dream this time, he was proud of himself. Because he, George Davidson, kissed Dream under the ugly rink lighting and in the middle of a bustling crowd that made way too many 'awwws' for it to even be cute anymore.

Dream tasted sweet, like a sugary treat on a hot summer day, and kissed well. Their lips slotted together perfectly (And boy did George like perfection) and their mouths moved in sync as Dream deeped the kiss, slipping his tongue into George's mouth to taste every last bit of him. George wholeheartedly believed that Dream didn't go further than that, and instead pulled way to look him in the eyes with an unbelievably fond etched on his face, solely because of the crowd. Not even the location, just the people.

And George was okay with that, because his first kiss with Dream was in a rink, basically their second home, and everything was perfect.

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