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When i get inside the classroom i see yujin talking to his friend,

Me: hi yujin..

Yujin: oh hi shakira..

Me: who is he?

Yujin: ow his my friend tobi

Tobi : hi..

Me: Hi tobi, nice to meet you...

Tobi : nice to meet you too

Yujin: btw shakira did you finish ur homework??

Me: ahh yes yujin ive finish my homework.. and thanku for helping me btw hehe

Yujin: ah no need too say thanku, im happy helping someone ..

Me: hehe btw Yujin?

Yujin: yes?

Me: is it true that we three are in one group on mapeh?

Yujin: ah yes, ma'am already said it yesterday while ur not here and tell me to tell you that ur part on our group

Me: ow thanku and im not present because my sissy and mom is sick so yea hehe

Yujin : no worries, we already know

Me: how?

Yujin: christine already tell it to ma'am

Me: ow..

( the bell ring )
Me: ow its time for class...

Yujin: ah yes haha

*teacher came in
Teacher: good afternoon class

Everyone: good afternoon sir

Teacher: so we will continue our lesson yesterday and after that we will have ur first test in FBS, i hope you all listen carefully so you know what will you answer on the test okay?

Everyone: yes sir

Teacher : okay lets start.......

( after the lesson )
Teacher: okay class bring out 1 half length twise and answer the test A and B... answer only and no cheating okay?

Everyone: yes sir

Teacher: after answering we will check the paper and you will tell me ur scores okay?

everyone: yes sir

Teacher: you can now answer ur test....

*30 mins later
( after answering )
Teacher: okay class, everyone exchange paper, check the paper of ur seatmate not ur paper..

Everyone: yes sir

Teacher: ok number 1......

( After checking )
Teacher: ok when i call ur name tell me ur score....

everyone: yes sir

Teacher: yujin cruz?

Yujin: 15

Teacher: good, Tobi reyes?

Tobi: 16

Teacher: ok, Shakira gonzales

Me: Perfect 20 sir

Teacher: wow, very good ms shakira...

Me: thanku sir

Teacher: christine lopez?

Tine: 19 sir

* fast forward :>
Teacher: very good everyone, goodbye class and see you tommorow...

Everyone: goodbye sir and see you tommorow

( continue )

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