Chapter 3. We can't control it

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"explain to me what happened one more time," nanami kept a neutral tone when speaking if he had any hint of negative emotions, he knew he would only freak out mio. speaking of the girl, she was sitting next to the man on a bench eating a granola bar from her book bag.

after mio called nanami, she only waited 15 minutes till he showed up and sat next to the girl on the bench from the local park. they talked for a few minutes until mio finally told nanami what had taken place earlier that day. to say he was surprised was not true he had known the girl for a long time, and with the girl comes her emotions that she couldn't deal with. although he may not have been surprised, disappointment was indeed how he felt.

from nanami's point of view, mio allowed some girl to get the best of her, almost killed her after defending her friend whom she's only known for a few months, and then skipped school.

he was not happy about the skipping school part, however, he can't do anything about the consequences because that is for the mother (and partially the higher-ups) to decide while he judges from a distance.

mio turned to look at the blonde man while chewing the granola in her mouth. it would take a few seconds before she opened her mouth to speak as she didn't want to talk with food in her mouth. when the sorceress finished the snack, she opened her mouth to explain the story again but stopped.

"i don't know why you would need the story to be explained again, i believe i explained it quite perfectly," the young girl informed the man with no hesitation, her voice showed no sign of worry about what she had done, but nanami knew her, he looked down to her hands.

she was cracking her fingers.

the grown man was about to speak but was cut off by a sound of a phone ringing. nanami knew it wasn't his because the ringtone was from a popular song that he would never in a million years listen to let alone have as his ringtone. he looked at the girl's face, which had been red from embarrassment, before looking back at her hands that were reaching into her pocket to grab the source of the god awful song that had been playing.

nanami watched as mio's face lit up as she read the contact who had been calling her, he watched as her mouth opened and asked him if she could take this, watched as her face gave him a grateful smile after he gave her a nod, and watched as she walked away to answer the call.

the man looked ahead. he had no reason to listen to mio's conversation with whoever she was speaking with so he didn't. although he didn't want to be there, he stayed for the girl.

the moment mio believed she was at a reasonable distance from nanami, did she answer elana's phone call.

"wow! i thought you wouldn't answer since school is still in session," mio heard elana's voice from the other side. even with her sickness evident in her voice, the girl on the other line could still be very loud and energetic.

"no, i left early," mio disconnected her phone's touch from her ear to check the time the same time she was saying these things to elana, it was about to be one, and she had left school around eleven.

"that's surprising, you rarely leave school early, except for that one time you had that dentist appointment," the girl acknowledged however, that was a lie. akira pulled mio out of school early because her partner for the mission, a man by the name of shoji eiko, backed out at the last minute, and the mother didn't want to go alone (even though she was more than capable of it) so she prompted on taking her daughter.

mio looked back to the blonde man sitting on the bench, who happened to be petting a stray cat and looked back in front of her before asking elana why she called.

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