Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Stolen Princess

Several months later, Lucy went into labor and delivered a lovely baby girl. The entire kingdom rejoiced at the arrival of the princess. Although King Daniel had hoped for a grandson, he still adored his granddaughter. Prince Edward had a deep affection for his daughter. Lucy and Prince Edward decided to name their daughter Mary. Currently, Princess Mary is peacefully sleeping beside Lucy. King Daniel is planning a grand celebration to commemorate the birth of his granddaughter.

Lucy woke up and was surprised to find her daughter's cradle empty. She immediately began to panic and started screaming when she realized that her daughter was missing. Prince Edward rushed into the room and asked her what was wrong. Through her tears, Lucy cried out that someone had kidnapped their daughter. King Daniel immediately ordered a search for Princess Mary, but no one could find her. The entire kingdom was in shock and devastated by the news. Lucy couldn't stop crying and had to be sedated by the doctor. Monica quickly traveled to England to be with Lucy and Prince Edward during this difficult time. Even Edward had to take something to help him sleep.

Princess Mary has been missing for several years now. Lucy and Prince Edward have a son named Prince Alex, but they still long for their missing daughter. They suspect that Felicity may have kidnapped her, but they have been unable to locate Felicity. Lucy frequently visits Monica in order to spend time with her niece. Anastasia, who has red hair and her father's eyes, resembles him greatly.

Eric and Crystal tied the knot and now have a daughter named Amy. Amy is just as lovely as her mother. Jack has a deep affection for Crystal, treating her as if she were his own mother. Jack and Sammy Russell are close friends. Sammy is the daughter of John, who is Laura and Lucy's half-brother. Pam, John's sister, is married to Ray, who has a tendency to drink excessively. John believes that Pam could have chosen a better partner. John dislikes Ray due to his drinking habits. However, for the sake of his sister, John maintains a cordial relationship with Ray. John has noticed that Ray's behavior has been strange, but he has not confronted him about it.

Eric and John have a strong friendship. John, who works as a police officer, is willing to let Eric assist him with cases and even helps him find clients. Despite still having his doctor's license, Eric also performs autopsies for the police. Meanwhile, Jack is aware that his grandfather has been causing issues for his father. As a result, Jack is angry with his grandfather and wants nothing to do with him.

One day, John, Eric, and their family decide to go sailing. Sammy, however, chooses not to join them due to her fear of the water. John tries to reassure Sammy that it is completely safe. Sammy sits at the back of the boat while the other kids enjoy swimming. The kids invite Sammy to swim with them, but she declines. John intervenes and asks the kids to leave Sammy alone. Meanwhile, Sammy occupies herself by reading a book. Crystal, on the other hand, decides not to come on the boat and also forbids Amy from going. Eric respects Crystal's decision. Amy, however, wants to convince her mother to let her go. Crystal eventually agrees to let Amy go on the boat, but only if she promises to stay out of the water.

Christopher is observing a boat from the shore. He notices a lovely girl engrossed in a book, and realizes she doesn't know how to swim since she's the only one not in the water. Christopher also spots another girl who seems eager to swim but is being held back by something. Christopher remains upset with his dad, particularly for marrying his aunt, and he holds his father responsible for his mother's death.

Sammy got up to walk around when she lost her balance and fell off the boat. Christopher saw the girl that he liked falling off the boat. Sammy sinks into the water. He knew that she could not swim, so he rushed to rescue her. Sammy saw a boy swimming towards her, but he did not have any legs. He had fins. Christopher took Sammy to the surface and became scared when he saw John jump into the water to rescue Sammy. Christopher took off before John could see him. 

 "I am so sorry for making you come. I should have never made you come on the boat!" John replied angrily. 

"Dad, I am fine," Sammy assures her dad as she hugs him.

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