Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Mistake

King James has arrived in New York and visited the social service agency to explore the possibility of adopting a child. He and Queen Laura are specifically interested in adopting a girl who is around the same age as their daughter, Princess Elizabeth. King James has completed all the necessary adoption paperwork and has sent it to Queen Laura to sign via fax. King James noticed that the woman assisting him with the paperwork does not appear to be very intelligent.

"Hello Sally," Andrew said softly as she walked into the room. He was sitting on his bed, staring out the window. "What brings you here today?"

Sally smiled warmly at him. "I have some wonderful news, Andrew. You have been adopted!"

Andrew's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you serious?" he asked, the excitement evident in his voice.

Sally nodded. "Yes, dear. A wonderful family has chosen to bring you into their home. They can't wait to meet you."

Andrew couldn't contain his joy. He had never thought that he would find a family who would want him, especially with his medical condition. He had often felt alone and isolated in the group home, where the other kids would bully him and get him into trouble. But now, he had a chance at a new life, with a loving family who would care for him. He couldn't wait to meet them and start his new journey.

King James received a call from the social service informing him that they had found a child who was close to his daughter's age. Excitedly, he called his wife to share the news that they could adopt a little girl. Without wasting any time, King James rushed to the social service to pick up his daughter. While waiting in the waiting room, he noticed a teenage boy who was also close to his daughter's age, sitting across from him. Just then, Sally Smith, the social worker, came out and called King James into her office. She told him that he has to sign some papers and he could take his son home with him.

"Wait a minute, son! I told you my wife and I wanted a daughter!" King James exclaimed in frustration.

Sally sighed and responded, "I know, but I thought once you meet Andrew you would change your mind. Andrew is a good boy. He would be a great son and brother. I have been trying to find him a home since he was born." King James listened to Sally's explanation sadly.

"Okay, let me take Andrew out to eat and get to know him. I have a good judge of character and after I spend a few hours with him I will know if I want to adopt him," King James said thoughtfully.

Sally thanked him, but King James warned her, "Do not thank me yet. I have not decided if I am going to adopt him."

"Hey Andrew, this is King James. He would like to take you out to eat to get to know you," Sally explained.

Andrew was excited and replied. "That sounds great."

During their meal, Andrew shared with King James that he was interested in attending college and joining the army. King James mentioned that he had served in the Scotland army when he was younger.

"Wow, were you scared?" Andrew asked.

King James replied, "Yes, I was scared, but we can't let fear stop us from serving our community and taking chances. It can be scary to step out of your house, but we have to be brave and face our fears."

Andrew appreciated King James' words of wisdom and felt inspired to pursue his goals.

Sally was overjoyed when King James told her that he would adopt Andrew. Andrew was a good person and could be trusted, so it was no surprise that King James had taken a liking to him. Queen Laura was also a good person, so King James knew that she would understand his decision. The next day, King James and Andrew went shopping for clothes before they had to go back to Scotland. It was a happy day for everyone involved.

The following day, King James and Andrew returned to Scotland and headed straight home. Upon arrival, Queen Laura eagerly awaited their return and met them in the living room. To her surprise, Andrew was with them. King James graciously introduced Andrew to Queen Laura, who welcomed him warmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your Highness," Andrew greeted Queen Laura.

She kindly requested that he call her Laura, just as King James had requested to be called James.

"You must be exhausted from your travels. Our servant Steve will escort you to your room and you can enjoy your meal there," Queen Laura offered.

Andrew graciously thanked her for her hospitality.

King James and Queen Laura entered his office with a serious look on their faces. "I'm sorry to say that the social worker Sally Smith has been trying to find Andrew a home since he was born," King James said. "Sally thought that once I met Andrew, I would want to adopt him. I took Andrew out to get to know him, and I have to say, he's a great kid. I think he'll make a great brother for Elizabeth."

"I'm not angry," Queen Laura replied. "I understand. Elizabeth does need a brother."

She then called for Chloe, who had been taking care of Princess Elizabeth since she was born.

"Where is Elizabeth?" Queen Laura inquired.

"She's asleep, Your Highness," Chloe replied.

"I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to tell Elizabeth about her new brother," Queen Laura suggested.

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