Chapter 14(32)

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"Morning Dad morning Mom." I said walking into the kitchen. Took 2 sliced of bread and spread peanut butter on in.
"You are off early today, what's up?" Dad asked.
"Nothing much, just want it this way. Going to work early and being serious." I said simply. He nodded. Had breakfast quickly and left.
"Byee." I blew them kisses
"Be good." Mom yelled as I closed the door.
At work, I didn't want to tell Clint about getting the deal back. Walls have ears and I didn't want to risk this chance; only chance.
Everything was going well only that Clint avoided me stylishly, I wasn't bothered besides I wasn't ready to know what was going on between him and mom. Mid day, Josh called.
"Hi baby." I giggled then continued, "How's my love doing?"
"I'm good my love, you up for lunch?"
"Yess!! Where?" I was excited.
"Oh you miss me this much?" He teased.
"Of course I do, we've both been too busy." I confessed
"I'll be pick you up by 1:30 be ready."
"I love you."
"I love you sweet."
Clint knocked.
"Come in." he walked in almost immediately.
"Good Afternoon Jossy, busy?"
"A little, want me to see something?"
"Yes, an Email from an upcoming firm saying they want this company to be their very first investment."
"Hand it over." I collected the laptop and read the message carefully. It wouldn't be bad handling two projects, one with Clint, the other by myself. I thought.
"Approve of it."
"Okay? but isn't it too early. I mean, can't we at least know what they can do better?"
"As we partner with them, we will know all that." I smiled at him.
"Cool point. I'll read more about them though."
"Yeah you should, Thank you." I replied.
"Alright." he stood to leave.
"One more thing Clint, no one should know about this, it remains with us till it's completed." I called his attention.
"That's how I want it." I smiled.
"So the others should just work on a  project they know nothing about?"
"Yes. But they won't really know it's a project. They'd just work on it, like a normal duty." I kept smiling
"It would be very hard and..."
"It doesn't matter, so far it isn't impossible." I interrupted. He nodded and left.

1:30 sharp.
I was buried with work and so engulfed in my laptop that I didn't notice when Josh walked in. I didn't even hear the door open or close. I noticed something though, the aura of the room changed, the scent, like a very wealthy man walked in. Nothing in this world smelt better than Josh. He was just heavenly. I sensed his presence and raised my head.
"Always this busy?" He asked before I said anything.
"My baby." I got up and hugged him. "I've missed you so much." I let go and he pulled me back for some more.
"I missed you too." Then he let go.
"Where are we going?"
"No where."
"No where?" I frowned.
"Yes no where. We'd stay here."
"But I want icecream!" I yelled.
"You'll get it." He laughed. "And you'll also get every other thing you want, okay?"
"Why can't we go out, I'm so bored here!" I protested.
"I'll stay here with you, and make it lively. I really don't want to be in the outside world. I just want to be with you, in the four corners of this room. Just the two of us, no disturbance, no calls, just us for 1 hour, please." He was already too close and his hands on my waist.
There was a slight knock on the door.
"Let go Josh before someone See's us."
"If they see, what happens?"
"Don't be..."
"Come in!" He interrupted me.
A delivery guy walked in with three bags. I buried my face in Josh's chest.

Josh chuckled and let me go. He paid the delivery guy, tiped him, and in no time the room was locked. I miss Josh so much. We've both been so busy with our own problems and work that we barely had time for each other. The door went 'click click' showing it was locked. He walked to the table and placed the bags I just stood there admiring him.

***Josh's POV

She has no idea how much I miss her. I've seen her couple of times with that Clint guy and my jealousy drowned me. I engaged myself in drinking again but no drugs. I probably fucked one girl or two, or maybe three. But my mind was clouded and I can't sleep with her; not yet. She looked at me with her pretty eyes. They seem golden today or is it just me. I got lost in them and with time, my hands where on her hips and I pulled her close, close to the point there wasn't any space between us. We were breathing the same air. She just stared and for some reason I didn't kiss her. I felt she didn't want to. I hugged her real tight and dug my face in her hair. Her scent was breathe taking, more like she smelt differently. I broke the silence.
"Baby, you changed your perfume." I pulled back.
"mm-hmm." She flushed.
"I love it and it's tempting too." I blurted.
"I missed you —A lot." She whined.
"I mis..." Okay she had to shut me up. She pulled me close and kissed me. My hands went to her hips and I pulled her up till her legs were wrapped round my waist. She had the ability to raise my demons in seconds which no girl can ever do. I parted my lips and her tongue dived in. She was still Jossy but more bad than I left her. She was clearly nasty with her hands and tongue. The kisses on the neck, earlobes and moans escaping her lips. I placed her down on her desk and my hands went up her thighs. She was a mini gown not to short but a little over her knees. I was  halfway on her now and the worst could happen so I stopped. I watched her chest rise and fall as her eyes remained closed. Damn! she's so beautiful and sweet.
"Your icecream is going to melt if you keep relaxing there." I told her and she sat up. She tucked the few strands of hair on her face behind her ear and kept smiling. She sat on the table with her legs in between my legs and my hands were on her laps as we ate and talked.
We had our icecream, dipped chicken, spaghetti and meatballs. She loved meat, lots of them.
"So you've started working out right?" She tilted her head teasingly and blushed.
"Yup." The best way I could answer.
"So tell me, what other thing have you been doing for the past 2 weeks now."
"I've been busy that's all– except you expected me to be with Amira." I teased as she frowned. I noticed and immediately apologise. "I was only kidding, I'm sorry."
"I'm not upset." She smiled. "I actually love it when you beg or apologize, it makes my stomach flutter." I'm pretty sure she only blurted out of excitement. I smiled back at her and watched her eat. I was done eating. It's been long I saw her smile this much. Fuck! I love this girl.

**Jossy's POV...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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