Chapter 2

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As Quackity arrieved back at his country,he made no effort to check if Dream was around that area since he knew Dream wouldnt check there...right..?he went to get his horse to a safe place before going back into his house and making himself some food,that is,if he has anything..and would you believe it? he has some eggs,thats all. "hm,better than nothing i guess..." the avian sighed,getting a pan and everything else he would need to make eggs. After the pan was heated up enough,he cracked 2 eggs into it and waited til they were done. He slipped them onto a plate,sat on the counter and ate,nothing all to special.The raven haired kept checking his comunicator every few minutes,maybe he had missed a message..? but one even saw his message...Quackity felt alone already,normally around this time Slime or Foolish wouldve came into his room,telling him about some work or anything related to that...if he was being honest,he didnt miss that a lot but he isnt used to everything being this quiet...

Its been a few hours,Q was sitting in his living room,trying to figure out a plan on how to possibly defeat Dream or how to find people. Everything he though off was directly dismissed since he didnt think that something like that would work..he chuckled and stood up,walking outside to his horse,feeding it. He knew he had to get more food so he made his way to a farm and got some food,including potatos,carrots,wheat and some other stuff,like hay. When he came back,he was in shock..( to find his horse dead^^ that didnt happen,i just found it funny!) to see a crow..? the hybrid walked up to the bird and noiticed that its wing was completly damadged and broken,feeling pity,he took the bird inside and bandaged the wing of it. The black animal happily chirpped,settling down on the ducks arm.This surprised the male,non the less,he smiled and gently pet it. "Say little one,what happened?" the boy asked the animal,knowing it probaly wont respond,he was surprised when it stardet chirpping and trilling.Blinking a few times,Quackity stood up and shuffled outside,looking at the animal on his arm.

"So,you flew on someones request over here,broke your wing and hopped all the way over here?" Big Q questioned,getting a small nod in repsonds. "ah- okay..can you tell me by who you were send?" the bird shook its head,it didnt know who send it or why it got send over..


What happened...? Wheres everyone..? (Quackity angst)Where stories live. Discover now