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Life (noun): the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

 It's amazing, yet scary, how fast your life can flip on you. One minute you're casually driving in the rain and next you know, everything changes. Some things happen for the best, some for the worst, and sometimes we don't know what to think of the situation. You might believe different, but I believe this: you get what you need in life, not what you want. Sometimes you need to do good in someone else's life; sometimes you need someone. In the midst of helping someone else and due to your kindness, you may get something you want. Sometimes. And sometimes you get nothing at all. But the thing about life is that you shouldn't go around doing nice things for people, hoping to receive things in return; do it from the bottom of your heart. Trust me, it's a lot nicer. But the true meaning of life is just to enjoy yourself. Let the things that you love consume you, let the things you dislike fade away. Nobody ever got anywhere focusing on the negative. But yes, bad things do happen and I think you just need to try your best to avoid them. It's okay to be sad sometimes, because without sadness we wouldn't fully be able to enjoy life's highs. Without lows, comes no highs. Without love, life is miserable. Without hope, life is meaningless. I hope you find your love and your hope, and everything else in-between because I found mine.

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