Do I Like Them?

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It's been a few days ago since oppisite showed up in the neighbourhood. He has been staying with Wally and home. Today was one of our painting days so I come over with a basket of plums and another basket of apples.
Y/n: I home! Can I come inside?
Home creaks and opens the door.
W: Oh! Hello neighbour!
Oppisite just looks away.
Y/n: Hi wally! Hi oppisite!
I give wally his basket of apples.
Y/n: Here's your usual.
W: Thank you neighbour!
Y/n: there's no need to thank me wally. I do this every week.
W: I know but I just love apples.
I walk over to oppisite and give him his basket of plums.
O: what the fuck is this shit?
Y/n: it's a gift! You said you like plums so I thought I'd get you some!
I smiled at him and I see him blush a little. I was confused on why. It wasn't really hot in the here and I don't think that I didn't anything to make him flustered. Wally smirks.
W: Hey neighbour I think someone likes you~
O: shut up asshole!
Y/n: Wally stop teasing him! That's not very nice of you!
W: come on neighbour let's just start painting.
I went to the closet and got out all of the painting things.
Y/n: got it!
Wally helped me set up eisls and canvases and everything we need while oppisite just stood there with his arms crossed.
We started to paint and oppisite just sat there eating his plums. After we finish I'm in the mood for a sleepover for some reason.
Y/n: Hey guys do you wanna have a sleepover?
W: yes! That's such a good idea!
Y/n: Oppisite you'll come right?
O: fine whatever.
W: wow oppisite! you never want to go anywhere!
O: shut it blueberry!
W: says the raspberry.
Y/n: Hey stop fighting!
Oppisite crossed his arms and just stayed quiet as wally packed his stuff. We started to walk to my house.
Me and wally had a nice conversation on the way there while oppisite just walked in silence. It started to worry me since he just doesn't talk much around me. I'm starting to think I did something to upset him.
Y/n: oppisite are you okay back there?
O: I'm fine just stop worrying about me for once.
He says in an annoyed tone.
O: why do you care about me so much anyway? I'm no one special.
I look back at him and smile softly.
Y/n: it's because you're my freind and i care about all my friends. I see him blush and look away from me, avoiding eye contact.
W: Neighbour, I think there might be someone in the neighbourhood who likes you~
Y/n: Really? Who?
I question in a curious tone of voice.
W: its-
He was cut off by oppisite.
O: no one!
Y/n: oh.
I say in a disappointed tone of voice. But I shrug it off and keep up my smile. We arrive to my house soon enough.
Oppisite's pov:
They smiled at me. I blushed and looked away, avoiding eye contact. I then hear wally's annoying voice.
W: Neighbour, I think there might be someone in the neighbourhood who likes you~
I hear their voice filled with curiosity.
Y/n: Really? Who?
Wally was about to tell them but I cut him off.
W: it's-
O: no one!
Y/n: oh.
They sounded disappointed but even then, they still kept that sweet smile on their face. I felt bad for them since they were so excited to know that someone had a crush on them. I think...I might be the one that has a crush on them. I can't really figure it out yet. Every single time I see them smile, I blush. Every time they give me a gift, I start to feel my heart pound. Even being in the same room with them makes me nervous. I didn't want to believe it since I'm supposed to be the oppisite of wally, I was supposed to be an asshole. I can't have anyone thinking I'm soft. But...maybe I do have a crush on them...maybe I am soft...and maybe they see me the same way.

A Good Apple From A Bad Bunch (Oppisite Wally x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now