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Y/N'S pov:

I woke up in a different dorm then my own I look around to try and find whoms dorm I was in

I felt arms around my waist I turned around to see sero, I gasped and woke up sero

"mm~ y/n go back to bed" he snuggles into my neck
"S-sero" I touch the back of his head
"mmmm~" he moves his head to look at me
"We have school" i'm playing with his hair
"right" he says as he starts to get up

I get up and leave his dorm quitly to go change into my school uniform. I do my moring skin care, I brush my hair and my teeth, i put on my uniform, socks and shoes, I grab my school bag and head to school

When I arrive in the class room i see my squad and sero is already there i set my bag down on the way to go to talk with my friends I head towards sero. I leaned my head on his back

He turns a little to see who it is, when he realized it was me he pulls me to his chest to let me nap a little bit more till class starts

"mm~ it is to early for me" I groan in announce
"I know" he respond in same tone of voice I had by now everyone known i'm not a morning person because of how sometimes I act in the morning.

I look up at him and smiled

Sero's pov:

I was talking to the squad when i felt a head on my back I turn to see it was when i realized it was the beautiful girl that I woke up too

I move her to my chest so she's more comfortable

"mm~ it is to early for me" she says she sound like she is annoyed
"I know" I try to match her tone of voice

She starts to move her head she slowly looks up at and smiles I smile back and wrap my arms around her playing with her waist length hair

"You two look like you guys had fun last night" denki teased
"Shut up stupid, nothing happened last night" i glared at him
"Yeah denki shut up or i'll have my brother beat your ass" y/n says slightly lifting her head to say that then putting it back down.
"Okay geez sorry" denki says

Y/n's pov

I hear people laugh after i told denki to shut up. I can hear my brother come up to me and sero

"What the HELL is happening here?" He yells my ear
"I am trying to sleep a little bit more before class starts you know i'm not a morning person" I say trying to go deeper in sero's chest
"I don't care if your an morning person or not y'all are too close" he says trying to pull me away from him
"Stop" sero says in a deep scary shaggy tone
Bakugo looks at sero "What the fuck did you just tell me" he says "he said stop so stop" i glare at him "fine just don't get pregnant" he starts to walk away. 

I snuggle back into seros arms then the bell rings
"Ugh~ I don't wanna move your so warm" I say looking up at sero
"I don't either but we have to we'll probably get in trouble" he says as he lets go
"We can finish this later" he says so smoothly i can't help but blush.

I can't wait for later tonight.

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