What a performance !!!

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*Knuckles POV*

Julie-Su and I walked to the crowd that gathered around the band and Rouge. I excitedly waited for Rouge to start singing while Julie-Su stood behind me with a straight face looking at me support Rouge with hand signs. The crowd soon died down and looked at Rouge as she began to singing. Note: The song that's playing is her singing... I'm not gonna type in the lyrics , cause it's to complicated.

Julie-Su:*During the performance* Wow she's really good , huh Knuckles?

Knuckles:*Happy to hear Rouge sing again* Ya...*Happily tearing up*

I wiped away my happy tears as I heard her voice echo through the streets. She seemed so calm on stage , she was in her element at that moment. People cheered and screamed as they heard her sing. My breath was taken away by her voice. It became more stronger as she sang. I couldn't look away cause we had eye contact with me and we couldn't keep our eyes off each other. As she got to a certain part of the song she opened her wings and floated a bit off the stage. The people cheered louder as they saw her and even jumped up and down. Some even whistled instead of applaud. When she was done she float back onto the stage and we all clapped our hands. As for me I was practically fan boying and screaming along with the crowd as I clapped my hands. Rouge and the band bowed on stage and walked off the small stage. I walked over to the end of the stage where Rouge was standing and waiting for me as Julie-Su followed behind me.

Knuckles: Rouge!!! You were amazing*Picks her up and spins in her in the air*

Rouge:*Giggles* Thanks , Knux.

Julie-Su:*Clears throats* Um , sorry to interrupt , but he doesn't like being called nicknames and who are you?

Knuckles: Oh...right um Julie-Su meet Rouge my...boss/best friend from highschool.

Julie-Su: Oh that Rebel girl you told me about. Hi I'm Julie-Su his girlfriend*Holds her hand out*

Rouge:*Abit disappointed* Rouge also known as Rebel.*Takes Julie-Su's hand and shakes it*

Knuckles: Hey Rouge we should probably get home , um bye Julie-Su.

Julie-Su: But Knuckles I just found you , can't I live with you?

Knuckles: But I live with...

Rouge: Ya sure...you can stay in one of the spare bedrooms in my house.

We then began walking to the mansion. Julie-Su hooked into my arm and kept talking about her travels while Rouge walked ahead trying to keep herself warm.

Knuckles: Rouge...

Rouge:*Turns around* Huh?

Knuckles:*Takes off jacket* Here , you must be cold.*Hands in to Rouge*

Rouge:*Smiles and puts on the jacket* Thanks Knux.

*Julie-Su's POV*

This so called Rebel girl was giving me weird vibes when she took Knuckles jacket. I was still hooked into Knuckles arm and she was walking infront of us wearing his leather jacket still holding onto herself. I guess that your his boss and best friend from highschool , but you don't have to act like your a couple. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked and was telling him about my travels to different villages. It was so much fun. When we got to the house I was shocked to see that it was a giant mansion.

Julie-Su:*In shock* Wow!!! What's your job that you earned enough money for that?!

Rouge:*Abit jealous and angry ,but puts on a fake smile* I work as an agent at G.U.N and I do modelling in my spare time.

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