Chapter 2: A signal

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4 Years has passed since I graduated from college. Now, an adult life, a normal life. I work at the New York Times and it sucks actually. Don't ever grow up, become Peter Pan. The only think I love about my job is that I can read and scramble some words on a sheet of paper. Every time I get out of work, I direct myself to the library where my best friend works. My best friend's name is Thomas, but he prefers people called him Teddy. I went to the library, that was 2 streets below from my apartment.

Ah...heaven...lots and lots of books

I saw Teddy on the reception area looking for something desperate; something that seemed very important to him.

"Teddy Mikaelson" I said. He raised his head but still looking desperate.

"Hey you! Book freak!"

"What are you looking for?" I said as I approached to the counter.

"A hot chick's number. Damn it!"

"Oh man! Seriously? Are you still doing 'those' things?"

"No man! I swear this girl was different. She was like a angel that fell from the sky." Saying those words, he began imitating an angel.

"Teddy...Teddy!" I shouted at him.

"What?!" He looked at me. I never thought he has big eyes.

"You always say those things about every girl you meet to me."

"Well, that just who I am." Putting a big smile on his face. Teddy hasn't change a bit since college. Always a womanizer. I left Teddy alone so he can search for that number that seemed was a angel's number after all. I started walking to my favorite part of the library but then Teddy screamed at me.

"Hey Jack! What are you gonna do for your birthday? Is tomorrow right?" Shit! I forgot about my birthday. I remembered my 18 birthday; Teddy made me a party at our little apartment where we stayed for college. He invited a lot of people from college and of course women. Because of the alcohol, the party finished as a mess.

"Haha, not gonna happen."

"Oh come on dude, it's your 22th birthday! Let's go out and have some fun. Just a little bit of chicks and beer. Come on please!"

I didn't want to do anything tomorrow but Teddy's puppy face and a 'feeling' told me to go. I thought, for a moment, that destiny was calling me. "Ok! We are going out. I'll let you choose the place." I still felt like doing nothing.

"YES! Ok...I promise, I won't let you down." He put that smile again. Besides that Teddy is crazy and have his things all messed up, I still love him; his like a brother to me, the kind of brother I never had. "Now, can I go?"

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