Chapter 3: The Meeting

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I woke up from a strange but beautiful dream. So real...her hand touching mine, us without someone to be bother. Perfect. As always, I do my morning routine: brush my teeth, exercise, coffee and get ready for another day of work. Oh yes! It's my birthday...22 years old. I put my clothes on, grab my novel and I address myself to work. Leaving my apartment, I felt a strange feeling...

Something is about to happen

I didn't bother to stop and analyze my feeling so I keep going towards my goal. What a beautiful day! I have to admit, the mornings in New York are incredible. Even the people looks beautiful; happy, cheerful, without sadness, stress, loneliness. While walking towards my work, I see someone walking very fast almost running on my opposite direction. I didn't pay attention trying to avoid the person because in New York, most people do not walk in the morning. Entertaining myself with my phone, someone collides with me; all my stuff fell on the ground including his or hers. Saying a lots of sorry to each other, I went down to take my stuff making sure they were safe and sound. I didn't look the person who just put my stuff to fly on the air for seconds; I helped getting his/hers stuff from the ground. Suddenly, our hands touch...


Something is about to happen

I removed my hand quickly and directed my eyes to the person I was helping. I can't believe it, "It's you" I said very low and soft.

It was her...the dream dream girl

It happened

I remained there, paralyzed, my eyes couldn't believe it. I didn't say a single word... stupid... but she did.

"I'm so sorry, Sir. Are you OK? I'm in so a rush."

'WOW! Even in real life she's so stunning' I thought. "No, it's OK. I'm fine, don't worry and, please, don't call me 'Sir' is not like I'm the president of the United States or your boss" I gave her a smile. She laughed...a very sweet laugh.

"Really? Do you need medical attention or something?"

"Really, it's fine, no big deal."

"OK. I'm really sorry but I need to go now. As you can see I'm in a hurry."

She smiled at me and started walking away and I stood there, watching her go. I still couldn't believe it. Dreams really comes true. Realizing I was late too, I walk through my work with a lot of questions in my head. But how? How did became real? Noticing from the people eyes, I looked like a crazy person talking to myself. I reached my work, took the elevator and went for my mini office which was like a small box where the people can see what are you doing even though that's not they problem. I really hate it but if I have a sheet of paper and write words on it, fine with me. By surprise, my boss's assistant calls me .

"Jack! Mr. Brown wants to see you on his office now."

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