Chapter 21: A Father's Approval

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As (Y/N) fell ill and remained absent from their shared educational institution, her absence weighed heavily on Miles's heart. Worried for her well-being, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of concern. Determined to check in on his best friend, he decided to pay her a visit at her home. With a mix of apprehension and determination, Miles sought her address from the school office, eager to offer his support.

Armed with (Y/N)'s address, Miles made his way to her home, his nerves betraying his usual confident demeanor. He had met her father, Walter, before, but the stern expression on his face still made him apprehensive. Miles understood the importance of gaining Walter's trust and approval, as (Y/N) held a special place in both their lives. He hoped his intentions would be received with understanding.

When Miles arrived at (Y/N)'s home and Walter answered the door, the sternness in his gaze did not waver. Miles felt a knot tighten in his stomach, but he held his ground, determined to express his genuine concern for (Y/N). As Walter invited him inside, Miles was acutely aware of the weight of the conversation that awaited him.

Sitting down with Miles, Walter wasted no time in delving into the purpose of his visit. He questioned the nature of Miles's relationship with his daughter, searching for understanding and reassurance. Miles felt the pressure building, but he knew the significance of Walter's approval. He mustered his courage, determined to express his feelings honestly and without reservation.

Stuttering slightly, Miles began by affirming that (Y/N) was his best friend—a person who held an irreplaceable space in his life. He acknowledged the depth of their connection, describing her as the air he breathes, an essential part of his existence. His voice quivered, but his sincerity shone through as he expressed his genuine care and devotion for her.

Walter continued to scrutinize Miles's intentions, seeking to understand the extent of his commitment to (Y/N). He probed further, inquiring about Miles's long-term plans and his intentions for their future. Walter's stern demeanor seemed unyielding, his questions serving as a protective barrier around his daughter. Miles understood the weight of the conversation and the need to provide reassurance.

Gathering his thoughts, Miles responded with newfound confidence. He assured Walter that his intentions were pure—that he cherished (Y/N) as a friend and would always be there to support and protect her. He conveyed his unwavering dedication, describing (Y/N) as someone he couldn't imagine his life without, no matter how unusual it may sound. The depth of his commitment echoed through his words, resonating with honesty and sincerity.

As Miles spoke, a subtle shift occurred in Walter's expression. He recognized the authenticity of Miles's words, the depth of his devotion to (Y/N). The stern facade softened, replaced by a hint of understanding. Walter realized that Miles truly cared for his daughter and that their bond held a significance that transcended traditional labels.

With a nod of approval, Walter expressed his sentiments to Miles. He acknowledged his trust and approved of their connection. Walter emphasized the importance of caring for his "baby girl" and entrusted Miles with the responsibility of looking out for her well-being. The weight of Walter's approval lifted a burden from Miles's shoulders, replacing it with a sense of relief and gratitude.

Having gained Walter's approval, Miles bid him farewell and made his way to (Y/N)'s room, eager to check in on her. The knowledge of Walter's support bolstered his determination to be there for his best friend in her time of need. With renewed purpose and a deepened bond, Miles prepared to offer his unwavering support to (Y/N), confident in his role as her steadfast friend.

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