season 1

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i teleport everyone in and here is there seats too lazy to explain:

i teleport everyone in and here is there seats too lazy to explain:

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"so if we are going to 'react' what are we reacting to?" Runaan said wanting to leave already

"and why do i have to sit next to a HUMAN?" Rayla said "Rayla thats enough" Ethari said "fine" Rayla said also wanting to leave

Yelp i guess we should start small { btw the video is what they are reacting to}

A/N P.S its after they watched it sorry

All the elves seemed a bit angry and the human were uncomfortable by all the death glares except Viren who seemed unbothered by all the elves staring "soo um... can we please move on " Callum said very awkwardly "of course we can okay so next up we got... oh one minute ive got to explan something okay so Rayla was trying to kill Callum thinking he was Ezran so when Callum was about to be killed, Ezran showed up from behind a painting and Callum and Ez ran for a whille then rayla found them then they showed her the egg she had a change of heart blah blah blah and now she is trying to convince Runaan to call off the mission" everyone was silent for a moment "huh"Ez said confused and shocked "soo your telling me that i dont kill the prince and i work with them?" Rayla said shocked about the information i just gave her "yeah basicly" i said "huh?" Callum said "u know what im just gunna play the video"

A/N P.S its after they watched it sorry

"WHAT JUST HAPPEND?" Soren said confused as hell  "Did i just side with the person i was sopposed to KILL?" Rayla said confused with her actions "yea u did. Did you not see it?... anyways lets move on to stuff less serious haha"

A/N P.S its after they watched it sorry

is Runaan okay in the thing you showed us that dark mage was doing something to him" Ethari said death glaring at Viren "What is rong with you guys" janai said concered from the video she just watched. Everyone who was in the video was humiliated by what just happend especialy Rayla, Runaan and Viren.

"OKAy everyone calm down next video is juat Rayla so yeah heads up its gunna be funny"

"WHY ME?"Rayla yelled already embarrased "sorry i have too. Its too good not to be shared" i said 

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