Picture the Stars

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Yunjin swiveled on the stool and smiled as she reread her texts from that morning.

Chaewon: you burnt the toast

Yunjin: what? not even a thank you?

Chaewon: you left before I could give you a proper one

Yunjin: and what's your idea of a proper thank you?

Chaewon: wouldn't you like to know?

Yunjin: maybe :)

"Y! Let's go, what are you even doing?" Zuha jingled her keys as she stood in the apartment doorway.

"Right. Sorry." Yunjin shoved her phone in her pocket and grabbed her beanie off the counter while she slid off the stool. "Remind me again why we are making Thanksgiving dinner 3 weeks early?"

Yunjin walked out of the apartment and pulled her beanie on and zipped up her jacket. Sakura was sending them on an outing to get cranberry sauce and ingredients for stuffing.

"Because Sakura likes to do a trial run before the real thing." Zuha locked the door and shoved her hands in her pockets, "All I know is it means more pie, so I don't complain."

"I guess you're right." Yunjin shrugged as they stepped outside.

Ever since the rain storm the previous weekend, the weather had shifted drastically. The air was cold and biting with plenty of wind filling the days.  Near freezing temperatures at night, leaving the ground frosted as morning crept up slowly each day. It was only a matter of time before snow actually fell, which almost would have been more bearable.

Walking into the grocery store Zuha grabbed a kart and began pushing through the aisles with Yunjin following behind.

"Sakura just texted." Yunjin sped up but kept her eyes on her phone.

"I knew the short list wasn't going to survive." Zuha chuckled, "what else does she need?"

"Uhh.."Yunjin scrolled through the multiple texts as more came through, "everything." She laughed and walked around to the front of the kart and hopped on to get a ride.

Zuha lifted her arm and pointed in the direction across the grocery store, "To the vegetables!" She yelled loudly before grabbing hold of the handle of the cart and racing through the aisle with Yunjin still standing on the frame.

Zuha slowed down once they were surrounded by produce and Yunjin hopped off, and started reading through the new list Sakura had sent. She was in the middle of explaining how you can tell if a pumpkin is ripe when her phone chimed again.

"Honestly. How many lists is she going to send us?" Zuha asked as she tried to juggle an onion, tomato and some kind of squash.

Yunjin opened her phone and smiled. It wasn't Sakura.

Chaewon: it doesn't taste the same

Yunjin's head shot up as she scanned the grocery store. Chaewon had to be there somewhere but she didn't see her.  She looked back down at her phone as Zuha put a few items in their cart.

"Ah, not Sakura then?" She asked with a smug smile.

Yunjin just shook her head and finished her reply.

Yunjin: what doesn't taste the same?

Chaewon: the soup

Chaewon: it tastes different

Yunjin: different good? different bad?

Chaewon: just different. not like it did when you made it. i think i heated it wrong.

Through the Lense (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now