Chapter 29: Don't Wait

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The emergency alam on my phone alarmed and it was triggered by Qian. It was still saved on her phone as her emergency contact.

I rushed to her penthouse even though I don't know why she contacted me or if I still have the right to come to her rescue.

I arrived on her penthouse and saw a lot of broken glasses on the floor. Most of the displays were also out of their places. It was a wreck.

I feel so worried that I looked into all of the rooms to find her.

I found her on the dressing room, staring blankly on the floor where she was sitting, her legs bent closer to her body as she was hugging herself.

This happened to her so many times before. She looks so tough on the outside but she really needs protection at times like this.

It's true that I really resent her but seeing her like this makes me resent myself more.

I lowered myself down to her eye level. She looked at me with those helpless eyes and she started crying but she just stared at me and did not  move to hug me.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I said while helping her to stand up. She looks so fragile right now and I couldn't help but to let my resentments flew away.

"Nothing new. I just thought I would die without even talking to you." she said almost to a whisper but with a chuckle.

"What? What nonsense are you talking about?" I said worriedly.

Seems like she can't really speak from the shock, so I let her sleep on her room while I cleaned the mess outside.

After cleaning I got to enter her study room. It was full of pictures mostly from a screenshot of a CCTV footage. It seems like it was collected more that 10 years ago based from the quality of the images.

"You're here." Qian said coming in from outside.

I looked at her,  "What are all these?"

"That's an investigation I did by myself. Coming back to Korea was a trap for who was doing it to me and I got them. So no need to worry about that anymore."

She then picked up from the board something like a woman wearing a blue dress and a white knee-length coat talking to a man in black cap and black leather jacket.

"This was before I told you that I don't really love you. That things were all just an act," she said. I think I remember that night the she was wearing those clothes.

"I was told to break up with you and cancel the wedding if I want you to live. The man on jacket just said that and left." she put the picture again on the board and looked at me.

"I have no choice but to do it. I don't even know who they were and why they do this, so I need to comply. I'm so sorry." her voice was shaking and it seems like she was keeping herself from crying. I hugged her and that made her burst into tears. It must've so hard for her to endure all of those alone.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you like that. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I'm sorry. Sorry." she kept on saying sorry while she was crying.

"Ssshhh. It's okay. Don't cry. I understand." I patted her on the back until she stopped crying.

We went out of her study room and went to her mini bar. She got a Millton 2017 Te Arai Vineyard Chenin Blanc from her collection and poured it on chilled wine glasses.

"I survived a near-death experience so it deserves a toast." she said. This is what I liked about her. She might have been had her life threathened so may times but she knows how to get up and walk again even she was all by herself.

"I'll assume that you still have feelings for me if you continue to gaze at me like that." she said chuckling and took a sip on her wine.

We took a little time to catch up that I have to push tomorrow my schedules for today.

"You know what? After knowing who was the devil behind of all the things that happened to me, I realized that I really cannot get all that I want in life. If its meant for me then it will be."

I nodded still continuing to savor this low-alcohol, high-quality wine.

"Remember the first time we met after I came back here? I barged in your dorm, and your hyungs were there." she smiled embarrassed.

"I said that I get what I want and threatened you that I'm still not done with you. I'm so sorry about that."

I nodded again, "It's okay, I understand that I'm really the type that is not easy to forget. I would also totally understand if you're not fully moved on from me yet." I smirked.

A thud.

I looked at her in disbelief for hitting me on the head. She was laughing and said," Yah, you still really love yourself that much huh? But if I'll be honest I'm not over you yet."

I also laughed with her. The laugher faded and there was silence. We keep on sipping on our wine glass.

"So, how's life? Have you moved on from me? Or have you finally found the one?" she asked, breaking the silence. I choked and almost spat out the wine.

"Not sure."  I answered while wiping my mouth.

"Why not sure?"

"If there's someone who's on your mind now, I bet that she's really charming and capable woman. That type is the trend to men nowadays." she said laughing.

"I bet that you have many rivals around you." she's right. As far as I know there's something between her and Donghae-hyung, and also she has an unforgettable memories with that Ethan guy. But the scars from them may not have been fully healed and rushing things up with her might give her more wounds. So I'm just waiting for her until she was ready.

"I'm just waiting for her."

"Yah! Are you really a man? Why wait for a woman? Are you sleeping beauty waiting for her prince charming?"

"It's not like that. I've been seeing her wounds and I don't want to rush it from healing."

"You can be the medicine for it to heal faster. Who knows? Once those wounds heals she might give another chance to those who hurt her. You don't want that, do you?"

"Don't wait and tell her. It's a mistake that I have done in the past, so now I'm telling you so that you won't end up like me."

Her, saying those words made me stood up and rush outside her penthouse.

"Yah! see you next week!" I heard her say.

I got on my car and immediately called her.

"Hello?" she answered her phone on the second ring.

"Gwen-ah. Where are you right now?" I started the engine and drove.

"Kyuhyun-ssi? What's the matter?"

I can't really think of a reason so I answered, "Just asking." 

What's with you Cho Kyuhyun? Do you think she'll believe that?

"I'm in a bus, going home. Just clocked out from work."

"What's the next stop?" he asked.

"I think it's Myeong-dong."

"Get off the bus there. I'll come to you."

"What's the matter? Are you alright?" she sounds worried. Did I just  sound so pathetic? I hang up and threw my phone on the seat.

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