Sunsets and silhouette dreams

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We continue to walk and try to find an exit but something in the corner of my eye catches my attention.

I slowly stop and look over at it

"What? What's wrong?" Noah asks

"Uh, I....I....I gotta....puke" I say

"What?" He asks confused

"Just go see if that's an opening I'll be right there" I point to the light at the end of the tunnel

I lean over and push my hair out of my face to make it seem real so Noah and Elena quickly heads to the end of the tunnel

I glance up and once their out of my view I quickly walk over to the wall.

I crouch down and run my hands over the glowing pink cracks on the wall.

"What the hell?" I whisper

"I hear water" Noah shouts

"I'll be right there" I shout back

I grab a nearby rock and start hitting the wall with it until I make the cracks a little bigger

I try my best to shove my fingers in the cracks then I start pulling. Some of the wall breaks off just enough for me to see a glowing pink crystal inside.

I furrow my eyebrows then hesitantly reach for it and as soon as I grab it I feel electricity run through my body and a shiver runs up my spine

I shake off the feeling and breath out but then quickly stand up and shove it in my pocket once I hear footsteps

"You okay?" Elena asks

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry, let's go"

We climb out of the tunnel and our feet sink under water.

"Where are we?" Elena asks

We walk forward more and head towards the shore while looking around the forest around us. Suddenly an animal roar/shriek (idk) comes from the woods.

"What was that?" Elena quickly turns her head

"Ohh, I think I'm gonna pass out" I say while keeping my hand on my eye and my other hand on my temple

We all climb out of the water and onto the dry shore but then out of nowhere a giant gorilla robot lands in front of us.

It pounds on it's chest and let's out another roar.

"Who are you?? And why are you hunting for the key?!" He asks

"Yo, donkey Kong! Stay away from my friends!" Mirage says while rolling in and quickly pointing his blaster at him

"Uh, Mirage!?" Noah shouts

"Don't worry. Your boi's got this" he puts his hand out reassuringly

Something suddenly jumps out of the bushes so Mirage quickly turns his head

"Uh oh-" he says but then gets pounced on by a giant robot cheetah

"Agh~ Stranger danger! Stranger danger!" He says as the cheetah pins him down (😏. I'm sorry)

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey! Not so fast-" Wheeljack says while pointing his blaster but then a robot rhino hits him and throws him in the air

He lands nearby and quickly sits up a little wobbly and points his blaster again

"Aye yai yai" He says while fixing his glasses

"Hey! Over here, kitty kitty" Arcee appears and points her blasters at the cheetah and gorilla

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