Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Go Hansu-ssi!"

For a few seconds Yumi stood frozen, startled. Her only neighbor in that building was lying unconscious with a bloody wound on his stomach. Then she shook her own head to bring back her senses. Ambulance! I have to call 911.

She rushed her pocket to find her phone. But then she realized the current situation because of the hard snowfall. Long traffic jams and of course those slippery roads that caused some accidents. So, she calculated that the ambulance wouldn't make it there on time. Yumi bent down to check Go Hansu's condition.

"Go Hansu-sshi? Do you hear me?" Yumi patted his cheeks. "Go Hansu-ssi!"

He gave no response.

She then searched for his neck pulse. His pulse was weak. His body was trembling with the cold temperature and his teeth were chattering. His wounded stomach kept bleeding, wetting his t-shirt and jacket.

Her hand was trembling as well in panic. He probably got hypothermia. In a split second she decided to take him to her house, her clinic. That was the nearest place to keep him warm right then.

She used all her energy to put one of his arms around her own neck and support his weight. She managed to strengthen herself to stand still and started to step down from the stairs.

His body is absolutely bigger than her, and he was unconscious, so that made everything harder for her. They nearly fell down on the floor when she had to support both of them while she unlocked her door.


The door opened. She used all her strength to drag their bodies inside the clinic room.

"Aahhhh!" She let out a heavy sigh when she finally put him down on a small brankar in her clinic room.

She rushed to switch on the heater in that room to make him warmer. She then checked his wound. He was badly wounded and bleeding.

She rushed to the emergency drawer and pulled the tray to the near the brankar. She took a scissor and cut off his t-shirt and leather jacket.

"Ouh!" She hissed a little. That was a gunshot wound and a fairly long laceration. Someone tried to kill him by shooted, and the other one tried to stab him. That scary thought came to her mind.

He was so pale.

Somehow, at that moment, she felt very grateful that she is a doctor—a veterinarian—, and she knew how to handle a bleeding wound and stitch it, and of course she had all the equipment and medication that was needed. She just had to adjust the dose and make that safe for humans.


Go Hansu furrowed his forehead and scrunched his nose. His body ached. Then he slowly opened his eyes.

Where am I? He thought.

He managed to sit. He noticed the bandage that wrapped his wounded stomach and IV needle on his left hand.

"You are awake," a feminine sleepy voice interrupted.

He turned his head and found his new neighbor already standing up beside him with her sleepy eyes. She was covering her mouth, yawning. Kim Yumi.

"Are you alright? How do you feel now? Your wound was very bad and kept bleeding when I found you." She instinctively tried to reach his body to check the bandages.

"I'm okay." his cold voice startled Yumi, her hand froze inches before his body.

"I have to go!" He took the IV needle from his hand forcefully, causing some bleeding.

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