Chapter One

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"It seems that we have the same number," Jake pointed out. "Which means we're going to be in the same car."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," You rudely snapped. Jake raised his eyebrows in response to your attitude. "I'm telling Pete to give me another number."

You pushed past Jake and walked up to Pete who was chatting with Natasha. You tapped Pete on the shoulder and he looked at you.

"Pete, I need a new number."

"Sorry kid, I gave them all out," Pete apologized. "I would say you could trade, but the teams are already made."

You were going to ask him another question, but Pete continued to announce that the activity was going to start. You stepped to the side as Pete explained the instructions.

"Alright. I'm sure why everyone is wondering why I'm throwing this activity," Pete called out. Everyone murmured in agreement. "Well, I gathered everyone here because we're all going to go...Camping!"

Everyone broke out into their own little conversations. Some people were unhappy with camping, others were delighted! You were siding with the unhappy people, especially because you didn't want to be stuck out in the woods with Jake.

"Everything is already set up at the camp. It's not going to be a normal camping experience though," Pete declared, capturing the attention of everyone. "We're competing in teams. The number that you received not only assigns your ride, but your team too!"

The moment he said those words, you felt your stomach turn. You didn't know what you did wrong, but you were not having it with where this day was going. It was already ruined by seeing Jake and now it was getting even worse.

"The winners of this competition camp will be rewarded with a free dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town."

Everyone in the room had their jaw drop to the ground. Everyone already knew the restaurant that he spoke of. It was the place that you dreamed of. You knew it would never become a reality, but now that you had a chance, you were willing to take it. Even if it meant trying to get along with Jake.

"If anyone wants to drop out, raise your hand," Pete requested. Nobody raised their hand. Pete chortled. "That's what I thought. Now, let's get this week started!"

"A week?!" You blurted. "Maverick, you can't be-"

"Like I said, everything is already set up. Clothes. Housing. Food. Everything," Pete interrupted, knowing that you were going to say something. "Don't worry [Y/N]. You'll be taken care of."

Pete patted you on the shoulder before leaving. You inhaled deeply and fluttered your eyes shut. You envisioned yourself in the restaurant and the glorious decoration surrounding you. You opened your eyes and nodded. You were re-focused. You left the building and saw everyone gathering around their cars.

It seemed that the cars were specifically decorated with the number of teams. You looked around and finally spotted car number seven. As you walked up to the car, you noticed you were the group's only girl.

"Only girl again, ain't you [Y/N]?" Jake teased as you arrived at the scene. You scoffed in response. Jake furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you just scoff at me?"

"Wait, you know this chick?"

You looked over and up as you saw a tall man with an interesting-looking mustache leaning up against the car beside Jake.

"The name is [Y/N]," You introduced. "Bro."

"Sarcastic," The man exhaled, nodding his head. "I'm sure you and Hangman got along real well."

You lowered your eyes as the memories of you and Jake flashed through your mind. All the laughs. All the times he held you close. All the tears. You were pulled back into reality as the tall man introduced himself.

"The name is Bradley Bradshaw," Bradley introduced. "Rooster is my call sign."

"Rooster. As in like...A male chicken?"

"He looks like one doesn't he?" Jake asked, receiving an eye roll from Bradley. "Now that we've established the obvious, let's get on the road. We have a competition to win."

"I'm driving," Bradley stated, jingling the keys in his hand. "Bob. You're riding up front with me."

"Got it."

You jumped in surprise at the sudden voice that sounded off from behind you. A blonde man with glasses quickly apologized and awkwardly pushed past you to the front door. You were guessing that was Bob. He came out of nowhere.

"Hangman and [Y/N]. You both are riding in the back," Bradley assigned. "Don't worry. It'll only be a three hour ride."

"Three hours?!" You exclaimed. You caught a glimpse of Jake who was softly smiling. "Please tell me it's three seats in the back so I have some room."

Bradley grinned and opened the backseat door for you. You peered inside and saw your whole world crumble. It was two seats. Bradley could tell that you weren't very happy, which was amusing to him. He patted you on the back before heading to the driver's seat.

You gritted your teeth as you climbed into the car, not even acknowledging Jake who was clearly staring at you. You crossed your arms and stared out the window as you heard the other door open. You kept your focus out the window as you felt Jake climb inside. He wasn't afraid and got real close to you.

You snapped your gaze at him and scowled. "Not so close dickhead."

"I can't move any further or any closer [Y/N]," Jake spoke sharply, readjusting his position. You cringed as his skin continued to rub on yours. "You're going to have to live with it for the next three hours princess."

You huffed in irritation as he said that last word. You used to love it when he called you princess, but now you despise it, just like you despised Jake. Jake, on the other hand, knew that you loved being called princess, especially his princess. He was aware that you weren't very fond of him at the time, but he was willing to do what it took to make up for the lost time.

The night he left was the biggest mistake that he had ever made in his entire life, and he wanted to show you that it really was.

"I guess since we're going to be stuck back here together, might as well catch up with each other, right?" Jake asked as Bradley started up the car. You released a long sigh and turned away from him to continue to look out the window. "Come on [Y/N]..."

You didn't give in and kept looking at the beautiful nature that was right before your eyes. Jake asked you another question, but you continued to give him the silent treatment and tune him out.

Bradley chuckled as he put the car into drive. "This is going to be a fun three-hour drive."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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