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short chapter bc im gay


You and Melanie walked downstairs to the kitchen, considering you haven't eaten since yesterday morning. You and Melanie were going to ask her parents if you were allowed to stay with then for a little while, just until you can get your own place. Like a little apartment or something.

"We have chips, cookies, or I can make us something!" Melanie says looking excited. "Like what? I bet your cooking is amazing" You say. "It is." She replies, slightly laughing, "And I don't know.. maybe banana bread, or ooh! Doughnuts!" She finishes. "Wow, you really have a sweet tooth." You laugh softly and just grab a quick bag of chips

Melanie pouts then laughs and grabs your arm, "When do you wanna ask my parents if it's okay for you to stay here?" She asks while nuzzling your arm. You leaned back on the counter and deeply sighed. "Whenever you feel like it, I don't wanna come off as desperate or pushy" You say carressing her cheek

Her cheeks were tinted with a light shade of pink, "Y'know, I never really noticed this.. but I just feel really safe and comfortable when i'm around you" She giggles and her cheeks are yet again glazed by that same shade of limelight pink. "I'm glad, you make me feel like people actually care about me" you laugh knowing that's never gonna happen

"What do you mean?" Mel asks looking mournful, "I'm just saying, no one has ever actually cared about me. I'm always the freak that sits in the corner of the room with a book, watching in silence" you say mellowing out. "Well, I just want you to know, I care about you, like.. a lot" she says blushing.

You smile to yourself and look down at your f/c sneakers that you threw on when you were leaving your house. Melanie reached for your hand and gently held it, moving her thumb over your knuckles as you began to cry.

Tead began rolling down your (y/s/c) cheeks. Melanie layed down and motioned for you to lay down on her chest. Obeying her, you went and rested your head on her chest. Your tears moistened her shirt, she was wiping then away gently.

"Why can't I just have a normal family..?" you asked her barely above a whisper. She didn't say anything but instead lifted your chin up to look at her and leaned in to kiss you. Her soft lips pressed against yours, she carressed your cheek and pulled away for air. "I-im so sorry.." she apologized.

You didn't respond but instead got up off of her bed and ran out of her room. You could hear her voice getting closer as she was running after you. Your tears still rolling down your cheek as you ran out the house. You ran down the block until you couldn't hear Melanie's voice anymore.

You collapsed to the ground, your head collided with the ground and all you could see was the darkness beneath your eyelids.

You fell unconscious, it felt like you were dead. But when you woke up in the hospital, you thought otherwise. You looked around the white room, the only sounds in there being the heart monitor and someone.. crying..? You looked beside you and saw the only person you wouldn't want to. Melanie. Well.. you did want to see her, to apologize. You were sure she was reallt hurt right now.

"Y-y/n..?" She asked, still crying. She walked towards you. "I-im sorry.." you said, genuinely sorry. You didn't know why you ran off like that. You were just.. overwhelmed.

Melanie nodded softly and grabbed your hand. "W-why did you run t-though..?" she asked, tears wetting her face once again. "I-i don't know.. i was just... overwhelmed." you said, gently carressing her hand. Your conversation was interrupted by the doctor coming in. His slightly illuminated gray name tag said 'Morris'.

You looked back at Melanie and she smiled softly. The doctor soon told Melanie she had to leave considering visitation time was over. So, she left and you were left in the room with this strange, tall pale man. (its giving slenderman)

"So, Y/n. How have you been feeling since you woke up?" he asked, glancing down at your cleavage. You felt his eyes all over you, "Um.. uncomfortable" you said.

"Is that so? Why?" he asked, taking a step closer to you. You nodded and noticed he had a big bulge under his navy blue scrubs. "Um.. I actually feel a lot better. I-i think i'm ready to go back home, actually." you said trying to leave as soon as possible.

"Really? Um, okay.. I will get your papers together" you could notice a slight grin on his face as he turned around and you just sat there uncomfortably while waiting for him to disconnect your IV.


You were laying in Melanie's lap, watching tv in her room. "Mel..?" you asked. "Yes? What's wrong?" she responded. "I'm sorry for running off like that.. and for making you worry.." you said resting your hand on her thigh.

"No, no don't apologize. I'm sorry for kissing you." she said. "I actually didn't mind that, it was just the situation with my dad that made things overwhelming." you said. "I actually kind of liked it.." you added looking up at Melanie.

"Y-you did..? Well.. can I do it again then?" she asked. "I would really like that" you responded.

HA HA CLIFFHANGER FOR YOU WHORES . (im so sorry im just really gay)


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