I'll make it up to you

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It's been weeks since Zachary and Haru were newlyweds.
Zachary is not that happy about it. It's just that he doesn't have any free time so he had to be there all the time. And when he has the chance, he spends it with Haru. He would always say sorry but his work keeps him away from her. This way, they are spending less time together. They also spend most of their time together at home. The two love each other more than anyone could imagine. They want to spend every day with each other, no matter what.

Haru knew her husband is having a hard time. He often tells her how sorry he is but she just tells him not to worry. He knows he can't do anything right now so he decided to focus on other things. Like working.

Maybe a little bit too hard.

The two have been dating for 4 years and are now married to each other. Zachary and Haru met during their last year of college. Haru was studying art history in one of the big universities. They didn't really know each other well until they saw each other at a party. After meeting, they became close friends. They went out almost everyday and talked a lot of the time. Sometimes they even stay over at the others houses but they try not to do that because they dont want to disturb their parents.

Today, Haru decided to make some dinner for the two. She put all her ingredients together and cooked them in the microwave. While waiting for it to finish, she looked around their house. There were a few posters of their favorite artists and their family member on the walls. She smiled when she saw an old picture of her and Zachary. They both have the same smile and bright eyes. That's when she realized something.
Her husband wasn't here. Usually, he would come home right after work and be tired so he'd sleep in their room. So why wasn't he back yet? Where could he be? Right, more work. She sighed.

'Another dinner alone I guess..' Haru thought then put down the picture frame down and went to see her cooking.
About half an hour later, she finished cooking everything. She put the food in the dining table and sat down. Now that she had nothing to do she decided to watch a movie while eating. The TV turned on automatically and she watched the screen without paying attention to it. Her mind was drifting off somewhere else. She missed him so much, so much that sometimes she couldn't sleep.
Suddenly, her phone rang and woke her up.
"Hello?" Haru answered it.
"Hey, babe," her husband's voice came through the phone. He sounded stressed.
"Hey! What's wrong? Are you okay? Is work okay?" she asked worriedly.
"Yes.. I'm fine." She hated that the fact Zachary was in pain. She wanted him to rest but she knows how important was work to him. Moreover, when he is the CEO of the company.  She knew he worked hard for it. Even if he didn't like going to meetings and presentations, he would still show up. Haru knew how much it bothered him.
"Are you sure? Because I can-"
"I'm fine. Stop worrying, I promise. You shouldn't be worrying about me anyway."
Haru stayed silent for a moment and then responded, "Okay. If you're really fine, then I trust you."
"Thank you, love. Don't wait for me." He hung up before Haru could answer anything. She sighed.

Haru looked at her unfinished dinner and somehow lose her appetite. She stood up and took her food to the kitchen and throw it away in the bin. She went back to the living room and turn off the tv. She had finally made a decision that she'll probably just sleep the night away.  She grabbed her pillow and blanket and went to her room. Before getting in bed though, Haru stopped by the bathroom and took a long shower. She got in her pajamas and climbed into the bed and tried to sleep. She wished her husband was here kissing her forehead and telling her he loves her.

Tears started pooling in her eyes without her noticing.  She felt stupid for letting herself cry. But she couldn't help it. She decided to send Zachary a message before deciding going to properly sleep.

Zachary's pov:
After hanging up on Haru, I walked back to my office, still thinking about what she told me earlier. I didn't realize it but tears started spilling from my eyes. I didn't bother wiping them. I felt pathetic. It was my fault for leaving Haru like that. We barely had time for each other and I let my work take that away from us. I mean, I should've been working more hard to save our marriage but instead, I was working on the company and trying to save money.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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